Monday, September 30, 2019

Choosing a Course

Choosing a college major for some is easy; some people know exactly what they want to be when they grow up. For others, choosing a college major is probably one of the hardest decisions they will make in their life. It doesn’t help that there are now a lot of college courses and college programs among which you have to choose. There was once a time when choices were simple: good or evil, ketchup or mayonnaise, Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Arts. Nowadays, you have to choose between shades of gray, one gazillion condiments and a plethora of majors.The trick in making a college major choice, they say, is to narrow things down as you go along. This article will help you do that. The following are some of the things you must consider when choosing a college course. Choosing your college major consideration # 1: Your Interest The most basic consideration in the choice of a college major or college course is, of course, what you want. Is there something that you’ve alway s wanted to get into, something that resonates within the very fiber of your being? If so, that may be where you’re meant to go. In the event that you don’t know or don’t feel that siren song, fret not.You can always go for career assessment care of your local guidance office. That would certainly make choosing a college course more systematic and easier. Choosing your college major consideration #2: Your Aptitude Choosing a college major also entails an assessment of your skills and talents. You may know what you want, but do you know what you’re good at? Interest and aptitude are two different things. Ideally, you should pursue a college course or choose a college major that allows you to explore both. In this less than perfect world, however, this is usually not possible for some people.In that case, you’d have to weigh your priorities: pick a college major you will be good at or pick a college course that is in line with your interest? Better y et, find a college course that you will be good at and has the potential of arousing your interest. Choosing your college major consideration #3: Your Values Every career comes with non-quantifiable stuff: fulfillment, meaning and purpose, pure altruism, you name it. They help determine what you’d like to get out of a career (and a college major) besides material compensation. Choosing your college major consideration #4: Money MattersMoney matters, in more ways than one. Money matters because it will dictate what course you can or cannot afford. Money matters should therefore be part of your college major choice. If it’s one thing you must always factor in, it’s reality. This can be broken down into a number of sub-considerations. How much money does the course require you to invest? How much money do you actually have on hand to invest? How much money will you (approximately) make if you take up a career in line with that college major? How much money would yo u like to earn after college?Choosing your college major consideration #5: Time and Practical Considerations You should also be aware of what you’re getting into when choosing a college major. What will your college course require you to do? Are you willing to do it? As a case in point, if you’re squeamish about the sight of blood, why should you decide to go for a Nursing Degree? How much time are you willing to invest in your college course and major? If you want school to be over and done with as soon as possible, then you should probably not choose a college course that won’t be useful without further study.Choosing your college major consideration #6: Your Commitment Choosing a college course requires you to look inwards and assess your commitment to your chosen path. Assuming that you have the issue of money and other practical considerations settled, do you actually possess the skills and the patience to go the distance? Moreover, do you actually want to do so? There’s also a chance that your parents may be expecting you to tread a certain academic path; will you have the strength and the will to stick it out against all odds? Choosing your college major consideration #7: The TimesNope, you don’t have to read the Times to know what college course to pick (Yup, that’s a lousy joke). Kidding aside, don’t ever forget to consider the times in your decision-making process. Case in point: the global economy was in a bit of a slump at the time I wrote this article. There are instances when certain courses may appear to be more profitable or more popular than others due to current circumstances. Choosing your college major consideration #8: Other People’s Feedback Besides guidance counselors, family and friends, you may also want to ask other people for their opinions regarding the matter.College alumni and alumnae always make for interesting interviews-been there, done that. Professors and classmates will also have a lot of significant input to offer. Choosing your college major consideration #9: Your Choices Also, do remember that there are some benefits to doing things by the book-or more specifically, the college’s catalogue of courses. Take a peek and note the unit and credit requirements for each course, along with whatever minors and electives you can take as part of the package deal.Choosing your college major consideration #10: Spiritual Considerations Finally, know this: you’ll most likely change courses-even careers! -as you go along, so don’t be overly fixated on any one course. No one course is the end all and be all. There are numerous examples of people out there who majored in one thing and built a career or three out of another. If you’re a believer, though, I strongly recommend that you pray about it ask God what He wants you to take. After all, only He knows what path you will ultimately tread.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Provide Displays in Schools Essay

1.1 Describe the school policy for displays Our school policy for displays is quite dated and maybe updated soon. It describes why we have displays in school and how this impacts on the children. There is a section on organising and actively involving children in the displayed work. We have no rules on backing or mounting. It is left to whoever is doing the display to pick and choose their colours and mounts. We are asked to take care as to how we secure items on the display (we don’t like drawing pins) and to keep in the restraints of finance. Different class are allocated different areas of the school for their displays. We can put up wall displays, table top and shelve displays. We can make mobiles to display work. 1.2 Describe the importance and purposes of displays in schools. Displaying pupils work is a powerful way of showing them that their work is valued. It creates a sense of achievement. It can very much boost pupil motivation. They should praise effort as well as perfect work. It should be that there is a piece of work by every child on display somewhere. Displays can be used to communicate to others what the class is doing. This can include other students from different classes, other teachers, official school visitors, parents and members of the community. 1.3 Describe how displays are used in the learning process. Displays can be simply decorative. They can make the classroom brighter, and a more interesting and stimulating place. This, in itself, can have a direct impact on pupil motivation and therefore on pupil learning. Display materials can include direct teaching aids such as anatomical models or number lines. They can use useful reference material to support pupil learning or information that is important for students to memorise such as number tables, formula’s, spellings and other important factual information. Display materials can include supplementary teaching aids that simply enrich or reinforce what is being taught, helping to bring a subject ‘to life’. If a foreign country was being studied as part of ‘geography’, a display might include pictures of people and their costumes, famous landmarks, and so on. Displays can be used to ‘set the scene’ for a new teaching topic. They can form the central base of a piece of class work or a topic; they can be a means of recording work that has been done. For example, the title of a display might be ‘What we did in Science. Displays can be part of some on-going work such as an aquarium with tadpoles may be studied and their growth monitored and recorded on graphs to form part of the display. A nature table is another example of a display to create interest. Displays can be used to promote class management. They can include lists of routines, responsibilities, tasks and rules. They can include directions, labels and instructions. They can be used to form part of record keeping. They can be used to record pupil and class progress or topics covered. Student awards, such as ‘star of the day’ and house points can be displayed 1.4 Describe the requirements and procedures for carrying out a risk assessment for displays. There are no procedures printed out in the school policy for risk assessments. They are things you should watch out for especially when working at any height. Staff are instructed not to climb on chairs, tables or other furniture to access display boards. Consider the weight, shape or size of the display when working from a step ladder. Areas where ladders or other access equipment is to be clearly defined by use of signs and barriers if necessary. We have kick step style stools in school. Make sure equipment use is safe. We are encouraged to wear appropriate footwear, on or low healed with non-slip soles. Prepare displays as far as possible before putting them up. Do not work above pupils. Try and work with someone else if possible. Use a staple remover and not scissors or a knife. Ensure you clear up completely when you have finished.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant) Research Paper

ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant) - Research Paper Example In the year 2006, the group further joined other Sunni insurgent groups to form the Mujahedeen Shura Council. The rise of the Mujahedeen Shura Council, lead to the emergence of an Islamic state, the Islamic State of Iraq (ISI). After the taking over of the leadership of the group by Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the group expanded much more where it further entered in Syria through participation in the civil war that was going on in the country. In this instance, the group formed itself in the areas dominated by the Sunnis of Syria through the governance of Ar-Raqqah, Idlib, Deir ez-Zor and Aleppo. After gaining control of Syria, the group, in this case, changed to the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant in April 2013. The action followed after the announcement by al-Baghdadi of the merger with al-Nusra Front group from Syria. The group maintained their close cooperation with the al-Qaeda until February 2014 when they broke ranks with each other due wrangling issues related to power (Mastors, 75). According the information obtained from the Iraqis and the spokesmen from the United States, the Islamic State of Iraq, and the Levant supported themselves. They supported themselves through raising of the money got from the kidnappings of wealthy Iraqis who paid to them a given ransom for their release. Apart from kidnapping of the wealthy citizens for ransom payments, the rebel group also used such activities like car theft, hijacking fuel trucks, and counterfeiting. Other sources of finance came from the raised supplies by commandeering rations and shaking down Iraqi soldiers for ammunition. The last cases involved the most lucratively stole oil in the region of Bayji for the black market to raise money for supporting their activities (QutÃÅ'Â £b, 56). Besides kidnappings and corruption means of sourcing for finance, Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant also got financial assistance from jihadists in

Friday, September 27, 2019

Ethics (9 topics total Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4500 words

Ethics (9 topics total - Essay Example Involuntary euthanasia refers to putting a person to death without obtaining or seeking the patient’s consent; ethically, this action is equivalent to a murder. Abortion is the process of terminating pregnancy by removing the growing fetus from the womb of a mother, which is also equivalent to ending human life. Many cultures around the world treat abortion as unethical, immoral and illegal even if it is done to avoid the growth of babies with genetic deformities. Yet, most parents opt for abortion of fetuses with abnormalities. Aborting the fetus becomes necessary in case of severe damage due to injury or any other cause; in case of abnormal growth of the embryo, which could be harmful for the mother, abortion becomes inevitable. However, abortion has received its notion as unethical action because of intentional abortion decisions taken by parents, mothers and other family members due to various other reasons such as pregnancy out of wedlock, unwanted pregnancy, early or lat e pregnancy and even due to pregnancy caused by failed contraception. For these reasons, the fetus may or may not be healthy and normal. From ethics perspective, euthanasia and abortion have attracted much debate from religious and spiritual sides, human rights activists, sociologists, and even medical professionals. In recent debate over euthanasia and abortion, sparked by Ironside who suggested euthanasia for disabled and grieving children and abortion for preventing the birth of an unwanted child or inherently disabled child (Williams, 1). Although Ironside’s advocacy for euthanasia and abortion seem the right choice in such situations, yet people do not dare to take such stand due to the ethical and moral obligations attached with human life and due to pressure from the religious, spiritual and other groups. Abortion is considered legal in most Western and some eastern countries in case of an abnormal fetus; but euthanasia is opted by very few nations. In most of the East ern nations, euthanasia is treated as strictly illegal irrespective of the patient’s condition. The argument is that ending life cannot be a solution to all sufferings; hence, euthanasia and/or abortion do not fit into the choices of humanity but only as inhuman act against fellow human beings. However, from health of the mother and wellbeing of families’ perspective, these choices seem to be, but not confirmed, ultimate answers. Works cited Feinberg, John S and Paul D Feinberg. Ethics for a Brave New World. 2nd ed. Illinois, Crossway, 2010. Williams, Zoe. Abortion and euthanasia: was Virginia Ironside right? The Guardian. 5 October 2010. Web. 28 March 2012. 2. Sexual morality Sexuality is considered as something vulgar when demonstrated or spoken about in public despite it being a natural biological process associated with growth. Ethics associated with sexuality in reality are direct ed towards sexual behavior, its constraints, and matters of approval. Sexual behavior is common in every human being, but individuals are expected to express sexual desires only with their approved partners; any

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Human Resource management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Human Resource management - Essay Example In this era of globalization and organizational integration, adopting selective hiring strategies is necessary to achieve a huge competitive advantage over rivals. The employees are expected to contribute to extensive product development and process cycles, in which human resource plays a cardinal role for success (Bergwerk, 1988; Armstrong and Taylor, 2014). A constrained labour market in some economies creates a pressure on HR professionals to recruit the most-efficient task-force. Time becomes a challenging factor in establishing a sound and efficient internal recruitment system (Beaumont and Hunter, 1992; Hallier, 2001; Henderson, 2011; Beaumont and Hunter, 1992). Nowadays, demographic shifts across different economies are creating problems of getting the efficient labour force and the recruiting appropriate manpower. The problems of attrition and displacement of workforce happen almost every year. This leads to a high turn-over and shortage of talented candidates, to be retained for a long time in companies. The purpose of the present study is to investigate the recruitment and selection practices utilized in a heavy manufacturing sector of the UK. Knowing the good staffing practices by the HR department in an organization, it is necessary to procure employees with good academic record, knowledge, skills and attitude (Belbin, 1981; Bergwerk, 1988; Cook, 2009). This approach results in higher productivity from even newer employees in an organization. Therefore, knowing about the recruitment and staffing practices, particularly for a manufacturing sector, should be used as a frequent practice in organizations (Beaumont and Hunter, 1992; Armstrong and Taylor, 2014). This paper therefore begins with trends in the high value manufacturing labour market of the UK and moves ahead to identify the gaps in the system. On the basis of the case analysis of a heavy diesel equipment manufacturing company in UK, Cummis, this

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Adult Development and Family Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Adult Development and Family - Essay Example After learning that her husband died a long time ago, I immediately comforted her with my words and gave her a sense of reassurance. Her husband was a general. He had served in the People’s liberation Army for a long time. She was happy to share her memories of her husband with me and cited how they went to so many places when they were young. Before China’s liberation, she cited how her husband was extremely busy, though they did not have a child at that time. She now has two children, a son and a daughter. After China was liberated, she had the chance of applying for retirement benefits. After her husband’s death due to a heart disease, which is genetic in her family, her daughter now takes care of her, even though the son is the older sibling. In China, it is a tradition for daughters to take care of babies or older adults in the family. I asked if she suffered from any illnesses herself and she was quick to tell me that she had diabetes, a genetic disease in the family, osteoporosis and high blood pressure. While interviewing Laolao, I had to identify the most comfortable way and topic that would interest her. She seemed happy to talk about how to promote healthy aging and wellness in old age. It was quite difficult for her to identify a few strategies that she used to promote healthy aging and wellness. My conversation with her in the beginning was predominantly focused on her feelings of failure when it came to promoting her own wellness. I started by asking her this question: â€Å"Are there specific strategies that you have used to promote healthy aging over the years?† Her response was that she was not â€Å"the best example.† She believed that she could have done more to promote her health. One key theme that relates to gerontology as we learnt in class that emerged during the interview was the issue of nutritional changes that

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Economic environment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Economic environment - Essay Example This is the case in the United States where the levels of price and wages do not fluctuate beyond a certain measure (Friedman, 1968). The role of fiscal policy is to control the spending power and revenue collection of the government. For instance, during phases of high unemployment government can increase public spending or can reduce taxation. This will also help in increasing the declining demand of products as low taxes will increase the purchasing power of consumers (Eshag, 1983, p.41). II. Human development index (HDI) is an assessment of the average achievement of human development in a specific period like life expectation, education and per capita income. Australia ranks in the second position with a value of 0.933 while Qatar ranks in the thirty-first position with a value of 0.851 in the HDI table (Human Development Index [Table 1]). In 2013, the life expectancy of males in Australia was 80.3 years, in Bangladesh it was 69.9 years, and in Uganda it was 58.0 years (Human Development Index [Table 5]). Australia is a developed country and its life expectancy of males is much higher than Bangladesh or Uganda – both of which are developing economies. There are various factors that cause such differences in life expectancy and they are education, employment, government policies, lifestyle like excessive smoking or drinking can cause obesity leading to heart diseases, and so

Monday, September 23, 2019

Why should get a good grade A Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Why should get a good grade A - Essay Example So it is an important decision when a teacher gives a grade to a student. How can you as a teacher know when a student deserves an A Fortunately, you can look to my personal performance over the past semester to see what must be done to earn an A. I deserve the top mark because of my strong work ethic, my steady improvement, and my knowledge of the writing forms featured through our class. My strong work ethic has served me well in this class and supports that I should get an A. Even though English is my second language, I have shown my best effort in my performances. I realize that hearing the teacher in class and working with my peers are excellent ways to improve, so I have been to every class. Sometimes it is easy for students to convince themselves they need to miss a class to work on a project or paper, but I am careful to plan my time so that I can complete my assignments and attend all classes, too. I know that I need to put in time and quality practice to improve my writing, and I am willing to do it because it will give me big benefits in the future. In addition to my strong work ethic, another reason to award me an A is my steady improvement throughout the semester. By making such a steady effort, I have learned much more about writing as a process. Now I know that even good writers practice, make mistakes, and even look back at old pieces and find things they would now like to change.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

I think alcohol shouldn't be legalize for all ages Essay

I think alcohol shouldn't be legalize for all ages - Essay Example Problems such as pancreatitis, heart and liver problems are associated with alcohol use. Individuals who already have a health problem and those under medication who take to drinking as a regular habit can encounter life-threatening situations. Furthermore, in case of pregnant mother’s who take to this habit they are additionally risking the life of their unborn child. Intake of alcohol, especially from a young age, only increases the risk to alcohol related diseases and problems later in life. Study estimates reveal that between the ages of 19-29 one in every four men die of alcohol related problems (Merrett). Though the minimum age for consuming alcohol is 21 in most countries, there is heavy lobbying to decrease this age to 18. In places where the age limit has been decreased there are concerns raised about the ill-effects induced by consuming alcohol from a young age. Young people are generally less tolerable to the effects that alcohol imposes on them as they have a naà ¯ve physique and their socializing habits increases the risk of accidents and other injuries. Young people who drink tend to become more violent and engage in unwanted habits and land up with legal problems. This could have an irreversible effect on their future that could include education, work and family. Thus such people live a less fulfilled life and become a source of unhappiness for both their immediate family and peers. A private website has revealed that about 74% of adults in US support legal action taken against those who host parties where underage drinking is allowed. They believe that such actions would help to prevent injuries to innocent people who are victimized in drunken driving and other accidents. The survey also revealed that some adults approve underage drinking when supervised by parents or a guardian (â€Å"Alcohol Consumption under Parental Supervision†). However, the health of the individual is compromised irrespective of being supervised or not. Hence by and

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Steven Spielberg movie review Essay Example for Free

Steven Spielberg movie review Essay Spielbergs latest epic, Saving Private Ryan, has shocked audiences around the world with his brutally realistic, down-to-earth World War II invasion of Omaha beach. The film opens with the landing boats full of petrified, white-faced, conscripted soldiers, who struggle to cope with the pure terror imposed upon them from the enormity of the task they face. No sooner do you see a close up of their trembling faces and each persons emotions and worries, the doors opened and the first wave of men were torn to shreds by German machine gun fire. Many men drowned as they were dragged under by their heavy equipment, and those who made it to the shore found themselves seriously outnumbered and out gunned. Specially-designed, frantic freehand camera-work creates the impression you are in the middle of the carnage, so Spielberg puts the audience on the beach with the Allies. Eventually the soldiers complete the takeover of the beach but as the scene draws to a close, the former hand-held camera is now far more panoramic, scanning the beach from a height, but regardless of the thousands of bodies strewn across it, you do not see one face showing war de-humanising all the real people involved in it, who have families back home, but also turning those real people into just numbers and cannon fodder. The scene ends with a close-up of a dead soldiers pack which contains the words Pvt S. Ryan and the scene cuts. Throughout the entire scene there was a tremendous amount of clever sounds and moving music. For instance, in the panoramic opening scene the music is rather dark and solemn, with a lot of low strings and brass, especially horns. This sets the tone for the scene to unfold. In the first scene there is no music to emphasise actually being there, however there are numerous non-diegetic sounds added such as the underwater bullets piercing the struggling soldiers, the way when Captain Miller gets confused and deaf that the sound is blurred and returns to normal when he comes round but there is also diegetic sound when the explosions are going off as the film crew used hundreds of set explosions in the scene, the lapping of the waves and the monologue were all diegetic sounds. The next scene is a wonderfully made piece that is truly emotional and is a silent one. There is a woman in a crowded office with light shining through, a complete contrast to the dark, de-saturated war scene a moment before. The lady sees three telegrams from the same family and takes it to the senior staff. It is reassuring to see how these men-in-power have some humanity left, taking the case higher and higher until it found the commander-in-chief played by the talented Bryan Cranston who decides that the remaining sibling should be pulled out and sent back to the grieving mother. The point where the mother received the news was fantastically portrayed by Spielberg. It is set in the countryside with a traditional American home surrounded by golden fields yet in the corner of the sky it is dark grey and symbolises the bad news on its way. The car crawls up the small, winding, country lane viewed panoramically from in front of and behind the house. There was one shot that was astoundingly emotional, where Spielberg captured a close-up of the mothers reaction while showing the car and effectively the news creeping closer, through using the reflection of the window. As she rushes to the door she is cleverly silhouetted out showing that it could be anyone receiving the news and that vast amounts of parents go through this. Also as part of the mise en scene, when she opens the door, she is blacked out and the car pulls up along the house then the officials climb out, the woman falls to her knees. However, throughout this whole dark shot, to the right is a coffee table with light streaming on to it, there is a photo of the four boys in their army uniform showing that they all went but also expanding the plot as you know that there were only three telegrams. All over the table there are flags and patriotic items, this tries to show that the people are behind the war, and that it is the ordinary people who have to stand up to the tyrant. Finally, Spielberg covers many aspects of war in his brilliant production and uses vast amounts of extremely intelligent shots and clever, emotional to portray the emotions and effects that the de-humanising war had on normal people such as Miller, the small town English teacher at home and on the front. Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Miscellaneous section.

Friday, September 20, 2019

A review of Bioactivation and Tissue Toxicity

A review of Bioactivation and Tissue Toxicity Kong Wei En (BP0711031415) Raymond Koh Chee How (BP0711031287) Jennie Lee Sheah Lin (BP0711031372) Prashanthini A/P Janardanan (BP0711031156) Hong Wei Siong (BP0711031194) Shalini A/P Shanmugavelu (BP0711031145) Introduction Xenobiotics are foreign chemicals in the body [1]. The human body has adapted processes collectively termed as biotransformation to excrete these xenobiotics [1,2]. Biotransformation generally occurs sequentially in two phases [1,2]. Phase I reactions add new functional groups to the parent compound while phase II reactions conjugate these new functional groups with polar groups [1,2]. The end-result of biotransformation is decreased lipid solubility, thus increasing renal excretion [1,2]. The liver is the chief site for biotransformation, [1,2]. Enzymes such as cytochrome P450 and peroxidase enzymes are responsible for biotransformation [3,4]. Occasionally, bioactivation occurs, in which the inert parent compound is modified into toxic metabolites [1,3,4]. The toxic metabolites are either electrophiles or free radicals, which interact with body tissues, subsequently causing toxicity [3,5]. Electrophiles Electrophiles are species deficient in electron pair generated through Phase 1 metabolism by CYP450 [5]. They are short-lived (with the possible exception of some acyl glucuronides) and not usually detectable in circulation [5]. Electrophiles can be generated from carbon, nitrogen or sulphur containing compounds [4]. The most frequently metabolised structural alerts are aromatic systems with electron-donating substituents and some five-membered heterocyclic [6]. Electrophiles cause toxicity through the formation of irreversible covalent bond to nucleophilic tissue components which includes macromolecules (proteins, nucleic acids and lipids) or low molecular weight cellular constituents [4]. Covalent binding generates potent and long lasting toxic effects because the covalently modified enzyme/receptor is permanently inactivated [4]. The covalent binding to DNA leads to mutation, tissue necrosis, carcinogenicity and tumour formation [4]. Mutations arise when the electrophiles escape the repair mechanisms of the cell, may be fixed and passed to the progeny [4]. If the electrophiles bind to protein, they will disturb the physiological homeostasis, leading to cell death [7]. Examples of electrophiles include epoxide, hydroxylamines and aldehydes [4,5]. Free radicals Free radicals (species containing an odd number of electrons) may be cations, anions or neutral radicals [8]. Free radicals are generally formed via NADPH CYP450 reductase or other flavin containing reductases [8]. They provide toxicity by peroxidation of cellular components. An important class of free radicals is organic free radicals such as hydrogen peroxide and superoxide anion [8]. The potential toxicity of free radicals is far greater than electrophiles [8]. Free radicals are able to produce chemical modifications and damage to proteins, lipids, carbohydrates and nucleotides [9]. If the reactive free radical is formed close to DNA then it may produce a change in the structure resulting in a mutation or cytotoxicity [9]. Protein and non-protein thiol groups are readily oxidized by many free radicals and may lead to profound changes in enzyme activity [9]. Another major pathway of metabolic disturbances is depending on covalent binding with cell components such as protein, lipid and nucleic acid to from a stable covalently bound adduct that may grossly distort structure and function [9]. Reactive free radical may also damage cells through membrane damage [9]. Examples of free radicals include hydrogen peroxide, hydroxyl radical and peroxynitrite [10]. Examples of drugs undergoing bioactivation and causing subsequent tissue toxicity Table 1: Several drugs, with their corresponding toxic metabolic pathways and the subsequent adverse effects. Drug Metabolic pathway Adverse effects Chloramphenicol Chloramphenicol is first oxidised by CYP monooxygenase into its dichloromethyl moiety [11]. Hydrochloric acid is then eliminated to produce a reactive metabolite that interacts with the Æ -amino acid of a lysine residue in CYP monooxygenase [11]. The enzymatic reaction is eventually retards over time, leading to adverse effects [11]. Apalstic anemia [12] Bone marrow toxicity [12] Acetaminophen The reactive metabolite is called N-acetyl-p-benzoquinone imine (NAPQI) [11]. Metabolic pathway 1: Acetaminophen undergoes N-oxidation to become N-hydroxyacetaminophen, which then undergoes dehydration to form NAPQI [11]. This pathway is probably uncommon as N-hydroxyacetaminophen is not a chief intermediate in the oxidation of acetaminophen [11]. Metabolic pathway 2: NAPQI undergoes a Michael-type addition with either glutathione or protein thiol groups [11]. Hepatotoxicity [11,12]. Tienilic acid Tienilic acid is oxidised by CYP2C9 to either thiophene sulfoxide or thiophene epoxide [11]. These electrophilic reactive intermediates alkylate CYP2C9, permanently binding themselves to the enzyme [11]. The enzyme is subsequently inactivated [11]. The body then produces anti-LKM2 autoantibodies against the native CYP2C9 enzyme and the modified CYP2C9 enzyme [11]. Immunoallergic hepatitis [11] Halothane Matabolic pathway 1: In hypoxic states, halothane undergoes reduction to produce the 1-chloro-2,2,2-trifluoroethyl free radical [11]. This free radical performs a radical attack, leading to the necrosis of hepatocytes [11]. The radical may also react with the Fe2+ in the CYP enzyme to form an iron ÏÆ'-alkyl complex [11]. This complex then causes the necrosis of the hepatocytes [11]. Metabolic pathway 2: Halothane undergoes oxidation to produce trifluoroacetyl chloride [11]. Liver proteins are then trifluoroacetylated on their Æ -NH2-lysyl residue [11]. This newly formed neoantigen evokes an immune response towards the liver [11]. Severe hepatitis [11] Valproic acid Valproic acid is metabolised by CYP2C9 into 2-propyl-4-pentenoic acid, also termed as Δ4VPA [11]. This metabolite can then undergo two pathways [11]. Metabolic pathway 1: CYP enzymes metabolize Δ4VPA into a reactive metabolite, which then proceeds to alkylate the prosthetic heme of the CYP enzymes [11]. Hence, the enzymes are inhibited [11]. Metabolic pathway 2: The Δ4VPA metabolite undergoes ÃŽ ²-oxidation to generate the Coenzyme A ester of 3-oxo-2-propyl-4-pentenoic acid [11]. This new metabolite alkylates the terminal enzyme of ÃŽ ²-oxidation (3-ketoacyl-CoA thiolase) by a nucleophilic attack at the olefinic terminus [11]. Hepatotoxicity [11] Troglitazone Metabolic pathway 1: The thiazolidinedione ring undergoes oxidative cleavage to produce a reactive sulfoxide intermediate, which spontaneously opens its ring [11]. Metabolic pathway 2: The phenolic hydroxyl group of troglitazone undergoes a one-electron oxidation catalysed by CYP3A to produce an unstable hemiacetal, which spontaneously opens to form a quinine metabolite [11]. The quinine metabolite then undergoes the metabolic pathway described earlier (metabolic pathway 1) [11]. Metabolic pathway 3: The unstable hemiacetal produced in metabolic pathway 2 may undego hydrogen abstraction, resulting in the production of an o-quinone methide derivative [11]. Hepatic failure Death (due to hepatic failure) [11]. Part 2: Applications of Bioactivation and Tissue Toxicity in Abacavir and Lidocaine Abacavir Abacavir (ABC) is an anti-HIV drug classified as a nucleoside/nucleotide reverse transcriptase inhibitor (NRTI) [13]. ABC possesses a significant role in the treatment of HIV patients [13]. First, ABC is subjected to phase I oxidation to produce ABC-carboxylate, followed by phase II glucuronidation to generate the inactive glucuronide metabolite [13]. Both the glucuronide and carboxylate metabolites are chiefly eliminated in the urine [13]. ABC undergoes bioactivation to form reactive aldehyde metabolites [13]. ABC metabolism to ABC-carboxylate involves a two-step oxidation via an aldehyde intermediate (unconjugated ABC-aldehyde) which rapidly tautomerizes to the more stable conjugated ABC-aldehyde [13]. This reactive metabolite is capable of reacting with proteins to produce covalent adducts, which results in the occurrence of adverse effects [13]. The most prevalent acute ABC-induced adverse effects are the potentially life-threatening hypersensitivity reactions (HSR) that occur within the first 6 weeks of treatment [13]. ABC also possesses the potential to induce cardiotoxicity, which raised further concerns about the prolonged administration of this drug [13]. Lidocaine Lidocaine has been extensively used in the treatment of ventricular arrhythmias [14]. It is also usually administered intravenously to treat and prevent cardiac arrhythmias after acute myocardial infarction [14]. Its chemical structure is an amide with an aromatic group [15]. Lidocaine is chiefly metabolized by the microsomal enzyme system in the liver [15]. The major biotransformation pathways are oxidation and hydroxylation [14]. Lidocaine undergoes oxidative N-deethylation to form the toxic mono-ethylglycinexylidide, which is then hydrolysed to 2,6-xylidine [14,15]. Finally, 2,6-xylidine is modified to 4-hydroxy-2,6-xylidine, which is excreted in urine [14]. Lidocaine also undergoes hydroxylation of the aromatic nitrogen to form N-hydroxylidocaine and the toxic N-hydroxymonoethylglycinexylidide [14]. The active and toxic metabolites known as mono-ethylglycinexylidide and N-hydroxymonoethylglycinexylidide primarily cause neural and cardiac toxicity [14,15]. Early signs of CNS intoxication include shivering, muscular twitching and tremors of the facial muscles [15]. As toxicity is low, it is safely and extensively used to treat arrhythmias [15]. Conclusion To eliminate xenobiotics from our body, processes collectively termed as biotransformation occurs in two phases. However, toxic metabolites (electrophiles or free radicals) may be produced in processes called bioactivation, which interact with body tissues and cause tissue toxicity. The bioactivation and subsequent adverse effects of abacavir and lidocaine has been discussed in detail. References [1] Rang H, Dale M, Ritter J. Rang Dales pharmacology. 7th Edition. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone; 2011. [2] Dekant W. The role of biotransformation and bioactivation in toxicity. Springer. 2009; 57-86. [3] Walsh J, Miwa G. Bioactivation of drugs: risk and drug design. Annual review of pharmacology and toxicology. 2011; 51: 145-67. [4] Brahmankar DM, Jaiswal SB. Biopharmaceutics and Pharmacokinetics A Treatise. 2nd Edition. Vallabh Publications Prakashan; 2012. [5] Boyer T, Manns M, Sanyal A, Zakim D. Zakim and Boyers hepatology. Philadelphia, PA: Saunders/Elsevier; 2012. [6] Walsh J, Miwa G. Bioactivation of drugs: risk and drug design. Annual review of pharmacology and toxicology. 2011; 51: 145-67. [7] Ioannides C, Lewis DFV. Cytochromes P450 in the Bioactivation of Chemicals,Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry. 2004; 4:1767-88. [8] Leon Shargel , Andrew Yu, Suzanna Wu-Pong. Applied Biopharmaceutics Pharmacokinetics. 6th ed. USA :McGraw Hill ; 2012. [9] Trevor F. Slater. Free-radical mechanisms in tissue injury. Biochem J. 1984 Aug 15;222(1):1-15. [10] V. Lobo, A. Patil, A. Phatak, N. Chandra. Free radicals and functional foods : impact on human health. Pharmacogn Rev. 2010 Dec; 4(8): 118-26 [11] Wermuth CG, editor. The Practice of Medicinal Chemistry. 3rd edition. UK and USA: Elsevier Ltd.; 2008. [12] Nassar AF, Hollenberg PF, Scatina J, editors. Drug Metabolism Handbook: Concepts and Applications. New Jersey and Canada: John Wiley Sons, Inc.; 2009. [13] Griloa NM, Charneirab C, Pereiraa SA, et al. Bioactivation to an aldehyde metabolite-Possible role in the onset of toxicity induced by the anti-HIV drug abacavir. Toxicology Letters. 2014; 224: 416-23. [14] Collinsworth KA, Kalman SM, Harrison DC. The Clinical Pharmacology of Lidocaine as an Antiarrhythmic Drug. Circulation. 1974;50:1217-30. [15] Johansen Ø. Comparison of Articaine and Lidocaine used as Dental Local Anesthetics. Faculty of Dentistry, University of Oslo; 2004. 25 p.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

To Kill A Mockingbird, by Harper Lee :: To Kill a Mockingbird Essays

At the beginning of the novel, Scout is an innocent, good-hearted five-year-old child who has no experience with the evils of the world. As the novel progresses, Scout has her first contact with evil in the form of racial prejudice, and the basic development of her character is governed by the question of whether she will emerge from that contact with her conscience and optimism intact or whether she will be bruised, hurt, or destroyed like Boo Radley and Tom Robinson. Thanks to Atticus's wisdom, Scout learns that though humanity has a great capacity for evil, it also has a great capacity for good, and that the evil can often be mitigated if one approaches others with an outlook of sympathy and understanding. When he agrees to defend Tom Robinson, a black man charged with raping a white woman, he exposes himself and his family to the anger of the white community. Arthur "Boo" Radley - A recluse who never sets foot outside his house, Boo dominates the imaginations of Jem, Scout, and Dill. He is a powerful symbol of goodness swathed in an initial shroud of creepiness, leaving little presents for Scout and Jem and emerging at an opportune moment to save the children. An intelligent child emotionally damaged by his cruel father, Boo provides an example of the threat that evil poses to innocence and goodness. He is one of the novel's "mockingbirds," a good person injured by the evil of mankind. Bob Ewell - A drunken, permanently unemployed member of Maycomb's poorest family. In his knowingly wrongful accusation that Tom Robinson raped his daughter, Ewell represents the dark side of the South: ignorance, poverty, squalor, and hate-filled racial prejudice. One of the book's important subthemes involves the threat that hatred, prejudice, and ignorance pose to the innocent: people such as Tom Robinson and Boo Radley are not prepared for the evil that they encounter, and, as a result, they are destroyed. The relatively well-off Finches stand near the top of Maycomb's social hierarchy, with most of the townspeople beneath them. Ignorant country farmers like the Cunninghams lie below the townspeople, and the white trash Ewells rest below the Cunninghams. But the black community in Maycomb, despite its abundance of admirable qualities, squats below even the Ewells, enabling Bob Ewell to make up for his own lack of importance by persecuting Tom Robinson. These rigid social divisions that make up so much of the adult world are revealed in the book to be both irrational and destructive. Mockingbird - The title of To Kill a Mockingbird has very little literal connection to the plot, but it carries a great deal of

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

De Tocquevilles democracy In America Essay -- essays research papers

Alexis De Tocqueville’s Democracy in America delves deep into how the American States and the federal government would grow politically and socially under the umbrella of democracy. He sees the United States as a unique entity because of how and why it started as well as its geographical location. De Tocqueville explains that the foundations of the democratic process in America are completely different from anywhere else on the globe. The land was virginal and the colonies had almost complete sovereignty from England from the very beginning because they were separated by an ocean and financial troubles. The people who came to America were the oppressed and unhappy in England and all were trying to find a place where they could start anew and create a political structure that would facilitate an individual freedom unlike anything that they had previously experienced in Europe. De Tocqueville believed that the nature of democracy in the New World rested within the fact that all of the emigrants were basically from the same social strata, resulting in the first new country where there was no preliminary basis for an aristocracy. "Land is the basis of an aristocracy†¦and†¦ [in America] when the ground was prepared, its produce was found to be insufficient to enrich a proprietor and a farmer at the same t ime(41)." He saw that even the soil of America was opposed to the structure of an aristocracy. There were also outside influences lending unvoiced support for the creation of this new democracy. Being an ocean apart from its mother country, who at this time did not have the financial reserves to oversee its colonies, let the Americans govern themselves. If they had not had this sovereignty at the beginning America might have become something completely different than it is today, but that was not the case, so these emigrants now had a fertile place to plant their ideas of a country founded upon the many ideas of the Enlightenment. Another large influence was the lack of neighbors. America had no ... responsible for herself. De Tocqueville has left no aspect of American society out of his publication. He rips the American body open and examines all the things that are inside right down to the bare bones. It is a little scary to read of ones’ own nation and its culture. To realize that one’s own life is not how he made it, but of how his ancestors have created society. Whether it be as to how Americans view their politics, or their social afflictions, de Tocqueville voices his opinions as to what is commendable, are conversely, what is wrong with every aspect of America. He sees America through the eyes of intelligent outsider who has no reason to make America sound anything other than it is. He has done a very thorough job, and his vision of nineteenth century America will surely help lead America into the twenty-first century with a better definition of itself.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Leadership :: essays research papers

Webster's Dictionary defines leadership as the position or guidance of a person or thing that leads, directing, commanding, or guiding head, as of a group or activity. However Leadership has not one single definition, but many. Leadership is often an intangible factor that makes one group more effective than another. It exists at different levels within organizations and should be woven throughout the entire organization. Different organizations use different ways in effectively teaching or molding their employees how to be an effective leader. One such company is the R.E. Brown Company and Associates, who have developed a yearlong program that is strictly used as a program to teach their employees how to become a more effective leader. They use what they believe as the Nine Behaviors of leaders. This program doesn't directly start off with the introduction of the nine behaviors, but of little tasks given to the participants. They are broken into small groups where they interact with each other, summarize common threads, and then present their findings to the larger group. Then once this has taken place they develop specific action plans to take back to their groups and from there on they work coherently together as a team. This develops a bond, and creates a model of team leadership, sharing, and reflection. Once this has happened then the teams are introduced to the nine behaviors of leadership where they discuss each one and try to use the information that they have gathered to take back to their own jobs were they can become even more successful then they have ever been before. The Nine Behaviors that develop exception leaders are: 1.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Motivating others through adaptive leadership, who knows when to direct, coach, facilitate, or delegate, depending on the task and person. 2.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Empowering others, which is a sort of delegation that will help you as a leader to control the situation with the help of others. 3.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Encouraging teamwork, which is balancing results, process, and relationships. 4.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Preparing people for change allowing you to understand their psychological responses and helping them to create a positive change with force-field analysis. 5.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Vision/Mission, which establishes guidelines for accomplishing a specific goal. 6.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Using multiple options by allowing you to see different strategic possibilities and being open to more day-to-day options. 7.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Taking intelligent risks, relating decision-making to risks and getting consensus. 8.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Stretching personal creativity that renews personal resources. 9.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Showing passion for work by demonstrating presence, inspiration, and energy.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Each company has their own way of developing programs that center on ones ability to become an effective leader; this was just one aspect that I was able to find.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Perception Toward Commit Suicide Among Utar Students Essay

Abstract This research is about the â€Å"Perception toward commit suicide among UTAR students†. We want to understand how the UTAR students think about suicide with carry different opinion from different races and gender. We will distribute 100 sheets of the questionnaire to UTAR students based on their races and gender. In this assignment, we will distribute 50 sheets of survey question to male students and 50 sheets for female students. In this questionnaire we also ask about UTAR student’s opinion which is â€Å"does suicide makes soreness disappear†? Most of the students answer no, because they think commit suicide cannot help them solve the problem, it just a way to deny from the problem. So they should think positively and find the solution because all problem have their own solution, just see how we view the issues. If we try to commit suicide it just make some trouble to our family because they will to face the society, maybe your neighbor will talk bad word abou t your family. Chapter 1: Introduction 1.1 Literature Review After our searching for whole week, we had found at least 5 academic journals with online source from not only Malaysia, but in other country in Asia too. From these journals and report, we able to have more understanding on suicide rate among several countries in Asia and Malaysia, the pattern, or the frequently used method, and even some of the reason for suicide. Two of the journals published by same organization, which is National Suicide Registry Malaysia, are about the research on Malaysia. One of them is explaining objective and the data collection method for research in NSRM, while another journal explain about what they found, example like stated out the high risk group, and the factor cause suicide, based on the data they collect so far. Another journal we found is not provided by NSRM, but also related to Malaysia. In this research, they concentrate about the race suicide method, and age group of suicide victim, this provide us helpful information that able us to see a mor e clear picture about suicide in Malaysia. Other two journals is talking about the research in other countries of Asia, one of them is a research conducted by World health Organization in 2008 regarding the suicide case among countries, while another is a old research that had conduct a similar research, which also the 48 countries, published by University of North Carolina Press in 1965. According to one of the journal we found (Quinney, 1965) even though there was no research conducted in Malaysia that time, but still, it enables us to know that a country economic development level will also affect the suicide rate. The other journals, which we found, had found a similar age group that has high frequency to suicide compared to other age group. The high risk group of suicide is 20-30, which is young adult stage (Hayati & Khairul, 2008; Nadesan, 1999; Hendin et al., 2008). These were also two journals, which is research on Malaysia, found out that the most common method people use to suicide is hanging, poisoning and jumping from height (Hayati & Khairul, 2008, Nadesan, 1999). The method of jumping off from height and by poisoning themselves cases had been increased, meanwhile hanging themselves has been decreased compared to two decade ago (Hayati & Khairul, 2008). In order to know more about suicide case in Malaysia, it was necessary to do more research within Malaysia for the factor of suicide, since we cannot deny the fact that media influence nowadays has slowly become one of the most influencing factor that increased suicide, example poisoning case had increased since Indian movie had introduced the way of suicide by consuming seed kernel of yellow oleander plant (Nadesan, 1999). 1.2 Research Question Our purpose of conducting this research is have a better understanding in study 2 main category group of UTAR students towards suicide cases. We decided to focus in both gender and 3 main races and others. We would like to look into Gender differences as our first research question by setting the question â€Å"What are the perceptions in gender differences towards suicide cases in Malaysia?† due to the reason that different gender will have different perception on that particular cases and will able to get more opinion and feedback. Besides, we also choose to concentrate in Races which including Chinese, Malay, Indians and others. â€Å"What are the opinions of difference races towards suicide cases in Malaysia?† will be our second research question. In this question we would like to find out all the different perception from different races due to culture issue or family background issue to view on suicide cases. Chapter 2: Method 2.1 Respondent In this research, our population is on UTAR student’s and we will choose 100 student’s as our sample. From the 100 student’s we will divide into 2 part which are the gender and the races because we are using the stratified sampling method. The definition of stratified samping method is we will dividing the population into groups according to some characteristic (Allan,2009,p.12), for example we will distribute the questionnaire equally to the student’s which is 50 male student’s and 50 female student’s, from the gender we will divide it into difference races. We plan to distribute 50 questionnaire to Chinese student’s, 30 questionnaire to Indian student’s, 10 questionnaire to Malay student’s and other races student’s. After that from the races we will divide it into 2 part which is the gender. 2.2 Apparatus We will use survey question to collect our data because it is the simple instrument to help us gain some data, we create the question by ourselves which is after having group discussion. In this questionnaire, it contain 10 question which incude 9 opended question and 1 closed ended question. We forming the question based on the 4 type of measurement which are norminal, ordinal, interval and ratio(Allan, 2009, p. 7-8). In this survey question it contain 1 ratio question, 4 norminal questions, 3 interval questions and 2 ordinal questions. 2.3 Procedure Activities| Week (duration)| The tutor briefly discuss about how to do the assignment and APA format.| Week 1| We start to form a group which is 5 people in the group. We discuss a topic which we interested in and finally we plan to do a topic which is â€Å"The Perception among UTAR Student’s toward Suicide†. We also distribute some task among the group members and find some journals that are related with the topic.| Week 2| In week 3, we discuss again among the group members and start to create a questionnaire that is related with our topic. After discussing, we plan to create 10 questions which include open ended and closed ended question.| Week 3| After that, we type the questionnaire and consult with the tutor and let her checks whether the questions are reliable to use or not. At the same time, we also give her check the journal whether it can be used or not. On the consultation time, she guides and teaches us how to complete this assignment.| Week 4| In week 5, after the tutor agrees with our questionnaire, then we start to print 100 sheet of survey question and distribute it to the UTAR students based on our sample.| Week 5| This week is our critical period which we have to collect all the data and interpret it. We also have to summarize all the data and create a graph to show that we done the entire task.| Week 6| Finally, this week is coming and we should hang in our assignment. Luckily we can do it on time. Chapter 3: Results Question 1: Which gender is the highest possibility to commit suicide? Most of the male respondents think that man is common in commit suicide, while most of the female respondents think that woman is common in commit suicide. According to the bar graph, the Chinese and Malay respondents think that woman has the highest tendency to commit suicide; while vice versa for the Indian and other races respondents who think that man has the higher tendency to commit suicide. Question 2: Which is the majority races involve in suicide? The pie charts above show that for male respondents, Chinese has the highest chance to involve in suicide and is followed by Indian. The UTAR male students think that just 10% of Malay will commit suicide and 0% for other races. However, in female respondents’ opinion, they think that 52% of Chinese will involve in suicide cases and is followed by Indian which is 40%. Lastly, only 8% of female students think that Malay will involve in commit suicide and 0% for other races. From this 2 pie chart we can conclude that most of the students think that Chinese is the highest chances to involve in this case. The bar graph above shows that most of the UTAR students think that Chinese is the majority race that involved in suicide. Indian is the second highest chance to involve in suicide cases and is followed by the Malay. No students choose for the others races because there is only a small population of other races compared to the three major races in Malaysia, so they are not easily involved in suicide cases. Majority of the UTAR Chinese student’s think that Chinese are easily to involve in suicide because they think that Chinese are afraid to lose, so they scared to share their problem with their family members or their friends even though when they faced any problem. Question 3: Which shows the most common range of age in commit suicide in Malaysia? Both male and female respondents think that age range between 17 and 21 has the highest tendency to commit suicide, followed by 22-26, 27-31, and then other age range which will be above 31. Age range between 12 and 16 has the lowest vote from male respondents but none from female respondents. Age range between 17 and 21 has the highest vote from the Chinese and Indian respondents, followed by the age range of 22-26 and 27-31. Age ranges of 17-21, 22-26 and 27-31 get the equal votes from other races. The age range between 27-31 get the highest votes while 22-26 get the lowest votes among the Malay respondents. Others age ranges which are above 31 got the same votes from Chinese and Indian respondents only, but no vote for the age range between 12-16. Question 4: In which condition will caused people have the intension to commit suicide in Malaysia? Based on the pie charts above, we can conclude that most of the UTAR students will give their idea on people who tend to suicide are due to the relationship issue with a percentage of 34% of male student and 42% of the female student. Besides, it can also clearly show that people do not put the blame on the mass media factor. According to the report of Hayati and Kamarul from National Suicide Registry Malaysia (NSRM) (2008), they stated all the young male adults will tend to commit suicide due to the reason of being stressed up with the transition to adult roles and relationship issues. It is also the timing in a higher risk of getting mental disorder, or easily access to alcohol and drugs to overcome their current issue. As the lowest possibility to the influences toward commit suicide is mass media where may be down to the reason that people may tend to learn from the drama or movie with related to suicide cases. The bar graph above shows that, all the races do agree with the point of view that most of the people who commit suicide are because of relationship issue. Current flow that showing a very obvious example of committing suicide caused by relationship issue which is the case of Alviss Kong. Before he commits suicide, he leaved the last message stated that his failure in love relationship with his girlfriend. He felt that he had nothing else to give him motivation to continue to stay alive. Most of the suicidal that because of relationship issue will tend to look in their relationship as a very important factor to stay alive. In another point of view for all the suicide among seniors in suggested risk factors such as including unemployment, isolation, poor health, pain, depression, alcoholism, low self-esteem, feeling rejected a history of mental illness, and previous suicide attempts (NSRM, 2008). As a result, most of the late middle-age people will face the financial problem due to unemployment and lack of self confidence. Question 5: Generally how Malaysian commits suicide? In this question, we ask the participants to rank the method of commit suicide from the most frequently used to the most rarely used based on their opinions.   First, we will look for the data by different opinion between both genders. According to the data we collect, both genders, which are male and female, got the same opinion that the Malaysians will always use jumping from height to suicide, then followed by wrist cutting. The participants from both genders also ranked that self-immolation is the most rarely method use in suicide in Malaysia. Then we collect the data and divide it based on the races. We found out that, in most participants, no matter what race they are, also think that jumping from height is the most frequently used method to suicide in Malaysia. Many of Chinese participants chose to believe that the second frequently used method to suicide is by overdose on medicine, which is a totally different from other race, which they think this method is rare method among Malaysian. Except for Indian participant, other race think that the self immolation method still is the rarest method that used in Malaysia. Most of the participant, regarding of their race and gender, also think that jumping from height is the most common used method to suicide in Malaysia. From our searching, we found out that the jumping from height method is the second frequently used method besides hanging (National Suicide Registry Malaysia, 2007). This maybe is because the media influence, which the newspaper always got report or news that people suicide and died, for example Alviss Kong case which the method he used is exactly jumping from height, this somehow influence participant got deep impression in it. Chinese participants mostly chose the taking of overdose on medicine is the second frequently used method for suicide in Malaysia, which we interpret that is because the Chinese normally will try the most relaxing or less painful way to suicide when compared to other races. Question 6: How to prevent people from commit suicide in Malaysia? Based on the chart, the highest respond comes towards the best way to prevent from commit suicide is share a problem with friends. 42 people support towards share a problem with a friend as the best way to prevent from commit suicide. It includes 15 males and 27 females. The second highest way rank to 40 people who sound off that meet a counselor is the best way. 23 males and 17 females give a respond towards it. The least response agreed with mass media is 7 people which are 5 males and 2 females. Based from the graph, we can conclude that, the races that support the most towards the way by meeting a counselor as the best way to prevent from commit suicide is Chinese and Indians. Both showing 15 peoples and followed by Malay and others with the same value or amount of people that is 5 people. Most of the Chinese support towards share a problem with a friends as the best way to prevents from commit suicide and followed by Indian who more to meet a counselor as the best way. It show 50% of them support towards it. Less people supported that mass media is the best way to prevent commit suicide. It shows the range of 4 Chinese, 2 Indians, 4 Malays and 1 from other races. Question 7: Do you think euthanasia is considered as commit suicide? The pie chart above show that, 40% of the male students and 24% of female students think that euthanasia is considered as commit suicide. However, 60% of male students and 76% of female students think that euthanasia is not considered as commit suicide. From this pie chart, we can say that most of the students do not agree that euthanasia is considered as commit suicide. It is because they think euthanasia is ways to help those patients that are suffer from the pain to feel relief. The graph shows that most of the UTAR students from different races think that euthanasia is not considered as commit suicide. The graph also shows that just few of the students think that euthanasia is considered as commit suicide. There have 16 Chinese students, 9 Indian students, 4 Malay students and 7 other races students think that euthanasia is considered as commit suicide. Chapter 4: Discussion The findings on this topic are based on the genders and the races among adolescents and adults in Malaysia. The surveys done among UTAR students show that woman has the highest probability among gender while Chinese has the highest risks among races in exposure to commit suicide, while age range between 17-26 has higher rate compared to others. The conditions that caused people have the intensity to commit suicide are mostly related to the relationship issue and financial problem and the common ways used to commit suicide are jumping from the height and wrist cutting. The ways that suggested by the respondents are to share their problems with friends or family, and refer to psychiatrist or counselor. Most of the participants do not think that euthanasia is considered as commit suicide. They also agreed that people who commit suicide have low Emotional Quotient (EQ) and agreed that most of the suicidal who want to commit suicide are because of feeling helpless or hopeless. Most of the results show similarities to our research except for the gender, races and age in which we found out that most of the research showed that man (gender) and Indian (races) have the highest tendency to commit suicide. And some research also showed that middle-aged and elderly persons have the high suicide rate. (Hayati & Kamarul, 2008) The problems that we faced during the research are mostly due to the time and cost. The time for us to do the research is too short because of the holidays, and some of the group members who came from STPM background have not expose to the introduction to psychology, the style of APA citation and the method to do an assignment. Hence, a lot of effort and time are used by the group members to understand the APA style and the way of doing assignment. Besides, we also faced the problems on transportation and the places of each members currently staying as some of the members stayed at different areas. The printing of the survey forms and the assignment cost a lot for students as they are not working and might be causing a burden for them especially for those that are from poor family. The other problem that we faced during the research is some of the participants may not serious when they were filling the survey form, fear to tell the truth, or do not have enough information about the t opic caused us could not get accurate results. One of the suggestion from the group members is the time to hand up the assignment can be delay until the end of the week (Friday) so that the members have enough time to gather around to discuss and make a summary together as the members can only meet at the campus to make discussion. Another suggestion is students should be exposed to the introduction to psychology and APA format for the Year One Semester One students as they are still new and do not have much information to this field. Besides that, two sets of questionnaire can be printed into one piece of A4 paper and cut into half. This method is not can save the cost, but also can reduce the number of paper used. Lastly, the students should be informed and advised to take the survey seriously as their opinions are very important and can affect the results of the survey. References Allan, G. (2009). Elementary statistics. McGraw-Hill Higher Education Chris, G. (n.d). Age, gender, and suicide: A cross-national analysis, 553-574. Retrieved February 12, 2011, from JSTOR online database Hayati and Aziz, (2008). National Suicide Registry Malaysia: preliminary report July-December 2007, 1-27. Retrieved February 7, 2011, from National Suicide Registry Malaysia (NSRM) Hayati and Kamarul, (2008). National Suicide Registry Malaysia, 50-54. Retrieved February 7, 2011, from National Suicide Registry Malaysia (NSRM) Murad, M. (2005). Suicide prevention and developing countries, 459-463. Retrieved February 8, 2011, from Journal of the royal society of medicine Quinney, (1963). Suicide, Homicide and economic development, 401-406. Retrieved February 12, 2011, from JSTOR online database

Our Babies, Ourselves Essay

Dependence during infancy is unique amongst hominids compared to other beings. However, different cultures in the world differ on how they cater to this dependency. For example, the American culture is influenced by individualism, therefore they tend to rear their children in such a way that they will grow up as an independent individual. On the other hand, Japanese are likely to be more affectionate in their child upbringing culture. And on both instances, infants who were reared up the American or Japanese way, their anticipated adult traits remain to be visible. As the article â€Å"Our Babies, Ourselves† suggests, the care given to an infant during his most dependent stage is reflected when the infant grows up and he develops his own sense of independence and survival skills. The rearing up process, whether an individual is being given over adequate attention or being least assisted during infancy is reflected by his developed reflexes and skills in his grown up stage. For the Gusii child-rearing practices, infants were held closer to their parents compared to other cultures. Here, infants develop a closer bond to their mothers, and later on towards other children to develop their interpersonal skills better. Moreover, apart from the physical and emotional aspects of development, neurological and genetic developments of infants are also being attributed to their rearing up practices. Thus, the uniqueness developed by an individual regarding his skills, competencies and survival instincts is defined by infant care that was rendered to him by his parents. However, the rearing up process is highly shaped and influenced by traditions within a culture, thus creating cross-cultural differences when it comes to child development across different nations and races.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Intellectual Power

Intellectual Power: How it is Measured, and its Effect on Learning Intellectual Power: How it is Measured, and its Effect on Learning Intellectual power, brainpower and mental capacity can all be defined as intelligence. According to The Developing Child, intelligence is a set of abilities defined in various ways by different psychologists but generally agreed to include the ability to reason abstractly, the ability to profit from experience, and the ability to adapt to varying environmental contexts (Bee & Boyd, 2012, p. 67). Basically, intelligence is the ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills. The first modern intelligence measuring tests where created over one hundred years ago. These tests where designed to incorporate the same tasks the children were performing in school; math, reading comprehension, vocabulary etc. The results of these tests identified children who may have had some problems or difficulties in school (Bee & Boyd, 2012, p. 167).Since that period, the measuring of intelligence has drastically changed. The most widely accepted method of assessing intellectual power is a standardized test called the intelligent quotient, or IQ test. The IQ test is a performance test that ranks an individual’s intelligence based on a score generated from tests results. This score compares the individual to his or her peers. For children, the test scores are compared to his or her counterparts of the same chronological age group (Bee & Boyd, 2012, p. 67). Another type of intelligence testing is achievement testing. These types of tests assess what a child has been taught and learned in school. It is based on specific material such as vocabulary or algebra. Just like the IQ test, it is also a test based on performance (Bee & Boyd, 2012, p. 171). Intelligence testing has been amongst the most controversial topics in psychology and other professional arenas such as education as well as amongst the general public (Gottfredson & Saklofske, 2009, p . 84). There are many that feel that standardized tests, like the IQ test, are not a sufficient indicator of intelligence. Howard Gardner, a developmental psychologist, believes that there are multiple types of intelligences. He broke them into seven categories: * Verbal/Linguistic intelligence – The ability to use words effectively * Logical/Mathematical Intelligence – The ability to use reasoning skills * Visual/Spatial Intelligence – The ability to ecreate one’s visual experiences * Bodily/Kinesthetic Intelligence – To establish harmony between body and mind * Musical/Rhythmic Intelligence – The ability to create/respond to a pattern of sounds * Interpersonal Intelligence – The ability to evaluate feelings of others * Intrapersonal Intelligence – To accurately evaluate one’s own feelings The seven intelligences enable the individual,  Ã¢â‚¬Å"to perform transformations and modifications of one’s perceptionsâ⠂¬  and â€Å"to recreate aspects of one's experiences† (Gardner 1983, p. 173). An additional intelligence, Naturalistic (nature), was added to Gardner’s theory in the 1990s.The IQ test and other standardized tests at present, do not measure all â€Å"eight† intelligences proposed in Gardner’s theory. Almost everyone agrees that intelligence is a product of nature and nurture, genetics and environment. The study of intelligence and how it affects learning has been ongoing for years. There are so many questions that don’t have exact answers which hinder the efforts of those trying to analyze the relationship between intelligence and learning: â€Å"How is intelligence measured? What method is used to assess learning? † For the majority, intelligence is directly related to learning.The more â€Å"intelligent† you are, the more capacity of learning can take place. References Bee, H. ; Boyd, D. (2012). The Developing Child (13th Edition) . Pearson Education Inc. Gardner,   H. (1993a). Frames of mind: The theory of multiple intelligences /10th  Anniversary Edition. New York: Basic Books. Retrieved from: http://www. intime. uni. edu/model/teacher/teac1summary. html Gottfredson L. ; Saklofske D. (2009). Intelligence: Foundations and Issues in Assessment. Canadian Psychology  © 2009 Canadian Psychological Association. Vol. 50, No. 3, 183–195

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Problems and Issues in Philippine Education Essay

1. Colonial historiography. Most of the past and present teachers, book authors, and Social Studies consultants give heavier premium to the history of the colonizers in the Philippines, and not to the history of Filipinos. Mostly, this has been the case in the teaching of History subjects from the elementary to tertiary levels and will most likely perpetuate in the next generations to come. The history of the Filipino people and the colonial history of the Philippines are two different topics altogether. 2. Internationalization of the division of labor. To a certain extent, the Philippine educational system conditions its students to be skillful in arithmetic and computer literacy, fluent in foreign languages (specifically English and Nihonggo), and docile in order to serve as workers of the transnational businesses of the advanced, capitalist countries. Take the case of the call center phenomenon in the Philippines, India and other developing states. see more:k-12 advantages and disadvantages 3. Emasculation and demoralization of teachers. Teachers, more often than not, are victimized by the over-worked and under-paid policy of the system of the past and present dispensations. This leads to the emasculation and demoralization of their ranks. This probably explains why the teaching profession is not attracting the best and the brightest from the crop of students anymore. Expectedly, this will correspondingly result to the vicious cycle of mediocrity in education. 4. Fly-by-night educational institutions . By any measure, the proliferation of fly-by-night educational institutions is counter-productive. In the long run, it produces a pool of half-baked, unprepared, and incompetent graduates. Alarmingly, the country is having an over-supply already. Some would even consider them as liabilities than assets. This case is true for both undergraduate and graduate studies. 5. Culturally and gender insensitive educational system. Women, the common tao and the indigenous people are almost historically excluded from the Philippine historiography in favor of the men, heroes from Luzon and the power elite. Women are marginalized and trivialized even in language of education. Take the case of the terms female lawyer (as if lawyer as a profession is exclusive only to men) and manpower (which should have been human resources or human capital to be more politically correct). 6. State abandonment of education. In the name of imperialist globalization, the state—in an incremental fashion—is abandoning its role to subsidize public education particularly in the tertiary level. This comes in the form of matriculation, laboratory and miscellaneous fee increases in order to force state colleges and universities (SCUs) to generate their own sources of fund. Ironically, the bulk of the budget (in fact, more than one-third in the case of 2005 National Budget) goes to debt servicing. 7. Sub-standard textbooks. Some textbooks which are already circulation are both poorly written and haphazardly edited. Take the case of the Asya: Noon at Ngayon with an identified total number of more than 400 historical errors. Unfortunately, it is just one of the many other similar atrociously written textbooks which are yet to be identified and exposed. This is a classic case of profit-centeredness without regard to social accountability. 8. Widespread contractualization. In the name of profit, owners and administrators of several private schools commonly practice contractualization among their faculty members. Contractual employees unlike their regular/tenured counterparts are not entitled to fringe benefits which consequently reduces the over-all cost of their business operation. Job insecurity demeans the ranks of the faculty member 9. Undue disregard for specialization. Some colleges and universities encourage their faculty pool to be generalists (under the guise of multidisciplinary approach to learning) in order to be  able to handle various subjects all at once. But some faculty members have turned out to be objects of mockery and have lost their self-esteem since some of them were pushed to handle Technical Writing, General Psychology, Filipino, and Algebra at the same time. This is prevalent among some franchised academic institutions even if the subjects are already off-tangent their area of interest and specialization. 10. Copy-pasting culture. Over-dependence to the cyberspace has dramatically reduced the capability of students (even teachers) to undertake research. ‘Copy-pasting’ has even turned into a norm among some students whenever they are tasked to submit a research paper or even a film review. Needless to say, plagiarism has already transformed into a more sophisticated form in the context of today’s electronic age. 11. Mc Donaldized education. The system, methodology, and even content of education in the Philippines are mere haphazard transplantation from the West. It is therefore Eurocentric, culturally insensitive, and non-reflective of the local milieu. This is based on the xenocentric (foreign-centered) premise that other culture or system is far more superior than one’s own. 12.The problem of non-sustainability and non-continuity. Teachers, administrators and publishers are all left in limbo whenever the DepEd would come up with another totally different directive from what it used to have in a rather very sudden interval. Take the case of the grading system, timeframe allotted to various subjects, MAKABAYAN program, readiness test, and learning competencies. 13. Poor regard for liberal art/education. Liberal education is intended to form a holistic individual equipped with communication, critical thinking, mathematical, creative, inter-personal and intra-personal skills. This explains why we also have Philosophy, Languages, Humanities, Natural Science, Social Science, Physical Education and even Theology in our college curriculum, and not only our major subjects. The curriculum is specifically designed to produce a total person, and not only  a technical specialist. Unfortunately, the desired objective is not being met at all since liberal education is regarded only as a set of minor subjects. With the way these subjects are being handled (taking into account both content and methodology), students view the entire exercise as an unnecessary duplication of what they have already covered in high school. Equally alarming is the lack of enthusiasm and motivation exhibited by some professors to handle the subject especially if they believe that it has nothing to do with the course or area of specialization of their students (say, Art Appreciation for Accounting majors or Algebra for Creative Writing majors). 13. Education a purveyor of myth. Education has been very effective in mainstreaming and perpetuating the social myths in a subtle and indirect manner. Some of these myths are the perceived superiority of white, educated men, ‘official’ history as advanced by the western point of view, globalization as the only way to achieve economic development, and stereotypes against the minoritized and the disenfranchised. 14. Further marginalization of the undersubscribed courses. In the name of profit and as a response to the dictates of the market forces, colleges and universities prefer to offer more courses in line with the health sciences like nursing, medical transcription, and care-giving. This is done at the expense of the already undersubscribed yet relevant courses like Area Studies, Pilipinolohiya (Philippine Studies), Development Studies, Philippine Arts, Art Studies, Community Development, Social Work, Islamic Studies, Clothing Technology, and Ceramics Engineering. 15. Monolithic education. Some educators in the name of conservatism and for the sake of convenience, prefer the old-style teaching paradigm where they view themselves as the fountain of knowledge and their students as nothing but empty vessels to be filled up (banking method of education). Modern education has ushered in learner-centered approach to education (from being the sage in the stage to just a guide on the side). 16. Atrociously boring teachers. As I always underscore, there are no boring subjects, only boring teachers. But at least we should recognize them because they still serve a purpose. They serve as bad examples. 16. Brain drain Apart from the much debated political, social and psychological aspects, this ongoing mass emigration constitutes an unparalleled brain drain with serious economic implications.Arguably, the phenomenon also has an educational dimension, as the Philippine society is footing the bill for the education of millions of people, who then spend the better part of their productive years abroad. In effect, the poor Philippine educational system is indirectly subsidizing the affluent economies hosting the OFWs. With 95 per cent of all elementary students attending public schools, the educational crisis in the Philippines is basically a crisis of public education. The wealthy can easily send their offspring to private schools, many of which offer first-class education to the privileged class of pupils. Read more:  Current Issues in the Philippines Problems and Issues in K to 12 Curriculum Overview It is not that difficult to understand why, despite the additional costs the program would entail, the public generally appears to take President Benigno Aquino III’s K to 12 basic education program sitting down. That is if state-sponsored surveys are to be believed. The House Committee on Basic Education claims majority of the public surveyed during its consultations favored the K to 12 program, while separate consultations by theDepartment of Education (DepEd) showed 77 percent of the 1,417 people consulted nationwide supported Aquino’s flagship education program. For one, DepEd tried to make the lengthening of the basic education cycle palatable by saying the additional junior and senior high school levels would make students ready for the world of work when they graduate in high school. Even as public elementary and high school education continues to be free under the new system, other expenses such as transportation, allowance, food, school projects and other school expenses would still burden families and take up a significant portion of the family budget. However, what apparently makes parents willing to shoulder such costs is the empty promise of employability after their children receive their hard-earned diplomas. In  the present scheme of things, the function of education is already reduced to the individual’s mere employability. The K to 12 program reinforces this societal function of education. Society also continues to regard education as essential to social mobility, an â€Å"investment† worth undertaking as the â€Å"costs do not outweigh the benefits.† Owing to its highly commercialized character, tertiary education has also become inaccessible for many Filipinos. Dominated by the private sector, higher educational institutions charge students with sky-high tuition and miscellaneous fees that remain unregulated and unchecked. Even as college education gives the student an advantage in the vicious and highly-competitive search for job opportunities, many youths forgo college schooling simply because they cannot afford it. This makes the K to 12’s employability factor more appealing and acceptable to the parents, who are made to believe that under the new education system, college education is a path which is not for everyone to tread. Lastly, any educational reform almost always appeals to many especially since there is a general consensus that our present state of education is in disarray. The word â€Å"reform† is always easy for the public to swallow because any move to veer away from the present arrangement of things is viewed as a welcome development. Reaction/comment Government officials and other advocates who are so insistent in adding two more years in the school cycle should thus join the clamor for higher wages and the regulation of prices of basic commodities and services, push for the expansion and institutionalization of student financial support systems and scholarships, and more importantly, fight for greater state subsidy to education at all levels. Any education reform program that does not take into account economic and other social factors that affect a person’s schooling is bound to fail especially when its supposed beneficiaries cannot keep pace. The public should not take the K to 12 program as a bitter pill to swallow. It should not pass judgment on the program based solely on its glittery promise of honing the student for employability, and the additional costs that parents have to shoulder. The heavy financial burden that comes with the implementation of the program is just one of the many issues on the surface. Basic problems such as lack of teacher training and the failure of the government to address input gaps are also considerations that if left  unaddressed may imperil the full implementation of the program. But a fundamental flaw of the program that merits equal attention is its inability to address the problem of decreasing access to education. Aquino’s K to 12 is anchored on improving the competencies of in-school youths but fails to consider the situation of the growing number of out-of-school youths in the country who should enjoy the universally-acknowledged right of access to educational services. Furthermore, school survival rates are not merely influenced by the student’s mental and cognitive abilities. Poverty, the peace situation, and other societal factors all contribute to the increasing drop-out rates that cannot be remedied by mere curricular reforms and additional years of schooling. What use does a more â€Å"enjoyable† learning experience have when the student cannot even afford to go to school due to his or her financial woes? The K to 12 is marketed as a program wherein the student is given the option to pursue different paths upon graduation: employment, entrepreneurship, and higher education. This freedom of choice touted by the K to 12 proponents, however, is illusory since the student’s choice is actually limited by the reality that higher education has become a privilege and that the worsening economic conditions in the country are pushing Filipinos to seek jobs instead of pursuing higher education. The program’s objective to produce â€Å"globally competitive graduates† also run counter to the supposed freedom that the student possesses in choosing his or her career path. In reality, under the present economic set-up, the prescriptions of market dictates shape our choices and decisions, be it in the brands we purchase, the artists we subscribe to, the course we take in college, and even in the profession or occupation we wish to have. With the government systematically and aggressively promoting the export of labor and the dependence on external sources of jobs and economic growth through its economic policies, it can be expected that majority of the jobs and fields of learning that the students would be pursuing are those that are in tune with the demands of global market—call center jobs, technical-vocational jobs abroad, etc. It is contemptible, how at a young age people are told to pursue whatever dreams they have but education agencies would be coming up with a list of courses that are highly discouraged simply because they are not what the global market demands. Thus, the observation that the real motive behind the K to 12 education reform program is to further intensify  labor export by systematically targeting the country’s young labor force, and further service the demands of multinational firms is not without basis. As seen from the K to 12 curriculum, there is a noticeable focus given to technology and livelihood education (TLE) during high school, with the learner even obtaining a certificate of competency required by industries. In Grades 7 and 8, TLE subjects are exploratory, which means that the learner is given the opportunity to learn 5 basic competencies: 1) mensuration and calculation, 2) use of tools and equipment, 3) interpretation of plans/drawing 4) occupational health and safety in the workplace 5) maintenance of tools and equipment. In Grade 9, the learner chooses one course to specialize in from among the exploratory courses and in Grade 10, he/she pursues the TLE specialization that he/she has chosen in the previous grade in order for him/her to obtain at least a National Certificate Level I or Level II. There is completely nothing wrong with developing the technical and vocational skills of the citizens if these are oriented towards genuine economic development through national industrialization. However, the present economic orientation of the country shows that tech-voc courses supply either the demands abroad or the pool of skilled reserve labor servicing multinational firms which take advantage of the country’s cheap skilled labor. While the intentions seem laudable at first glance, the underlying context of the implementation of the K to 12 program could be best understood by looking at the government’s problematic general development framework that is the Philippine Development Plan, which seeks to reinforce the country’s adherence to the flawed development paradigm of neoliberal globalization. The K to 12 program’s thrust of producing â€Å"21st century graduates† is nothing but an affirmation and a reinforcement of the country’s role in the uneven world order where economies such are ours are molded according to the interests of the powers-that-be. Thus, the K to 12 education program can be considered a sine qua non for the fulfillment of the government’s agenda of trawling the path of the globalization project, which has only made the country vulnerable to the world economic crisis and has yielded the very crisis that plagues  Philippine education. Our country ha s gone through many changes and development for the past few years. The continuous process made great impacts in the lives of millions of Filipinos. Relatively, the changes have given us advantages not to mention the disadvantages it brought causing downfall to many people. There are numerous questions concerning the issues and problems existing in the Philippine Educational System as to how we can resolve it the best way we could to attain that kind of quality of education we have been searching and longing for. Where do we begin and how do we respond to such? Public schools are the building blocks of our societies. They can be considered our foundational instruments. Although these venues of learning play significant roles, they are unable to provide the best they can, due to their numerous flaws. As I’ve gone through different readings and researches, questions were arising in my mind as to what solutions are applicable in addressing the problems about the quality of education, affordability, budget, mismatch, integration of sex education in the curriculum, R.A. 9710 (Magna Carta for Women) and other concerns which are somehow related to it. I will always stand for what I believe in according to my observations that we have good guidelines and policies on education but what is lacking is the ability to implement such in accordance to the needs of every school, majority of which belong to the public education system. Generally, Philippine Education aims to provide quality and free education both for the elementary and secondary public schools but again this have not been observed and understood well causing it to be a burden most especially to the students and parents.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Analysis of Homeland Security Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Analysis of Homeland Security - Assignment Example Although security experts agree that the two are the greatest security threats to the country’s homeland security, opinion is still divided as to which of the two poses the greatest security threat to the United States homeland security. However, after conducting a thorough analysis of the operations of the Americanization of terrorist groups and the home has grown terrorists over the past few years, it goes without doubt that the current greatest threat to the U.S homeland security is the home has grown/lone wolf terrorist groups. Firstly, the events that have happened in the recent past shows that the terrorist has changed their tactics to from plotting a large-scale attack on the homegrown or lone wolf attack. With the growth of the internet, homegrown extremists and sympathizers of the so-called American enemies are increasingly becoming radicalized via the internet (Olsson, 2014; Gartenstein-Ross and Grossman, 2009). Some even travel to different countries where they are trained and come back to carry out attacks on their own without any assistance. For instance, investigations have unearthed that the two brothers who carried the Boston Bomb attacks were radicalized through the internet by the Islamist propaganda. These were American citizens who had no any affiliation with the terror groups such as the Al-Qaeda (Zennie, 2014; Herrmann, 2014). The Boston Marathon attack clearly demonstrates that the biggest threat to the U.S. homeland security is the homegrown/lone wolf terror groups and not the Americanization of terror groups as some experts conjecture. The Boston Marathon resulted in the death of three people and left about 264 others wounded after detonating two grenades.  To make matters worse, ISIS has increased propaganda campaign on the social media, which has seen a huge number of Westerners move to Iraq and Syria to support them in the fight (CNN, 2014).   

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Scholarly Paper - Healthcare Informatics Theories & Policies Essay

Scholarly Paper - Healthcare Informatics Theories & Policies - Essay Example ification (CCC), Perioperative Nursing Data Set (PNDS), the Nursing Minimum Data Set (NMDS), The Nursing Interventions Classifications (NIC), International Classification for Nursing Practice (ICNP), the Nursing Outcomes Classification (NOC). The American Nurses Association has approved thirteen, but only ten are considered particular to nursing care. NANDA-I will be the main considered terminology in this essay. NANDA-I maintains an agreed set of diagnoses, which are then used to select appropriate nursing interventions and develop desirable patient outcomes. Its taxonomy is organized into 13 domains of nursing practice, 46 classes, and 216 diagnoses. NANDA-I has been found to be used extensively both in the United States and globally (About NANDA†, n.d.). NANDA opened up the way of diagnostic taxonomy in nursing. During the first National Conference on Classification of Nursing Diagnoses, 1973, a task force was formed. It later evolved into an incorporated Association in 1982 to help nurses who were in the United States and Canada. The work on classification was begun by Kristie Gebbie and Mary Ann Lavin, faculty at St. Louis University, by calling a classification conference. They influenced the current decisions of the identification-classification process through their belief that nurses should be involved in the development process. A diagnosis is a clinical decision about an individual’s response to real or possible health problems. It is the foundation for choosing the appropriate nursing intervention to get an outcome for, which the nurse is accountable. Gordon’s observation was of diagnosis being a model that puts a meaning on a set of observations therefore triggering understanding and thinking about the set. T his phenomenon forms the basis of every diagnostic concept of today (Speksnijder et al., 2011). Subsequent to specifying the goals of a proposed system, the identification process begins. The subject phenomena are identified. NANDA