Wednesday, November 27, 2019

English Atonement essays

English Atonement essays Atonement is a fund concept in the Jewish and Christian religions. 'Yom Kippur', the day of atonement is the most sacred day in the Jewish calendar. The need for atonement arises when an individual has committed a crime about which he feels guilty and for which he wishes to make amends, to the wronged party. Christmas too are required to atone for their sins if they want them to be forgiven by the confessor. She needed to atone for the crime she committed at the age of thirteen. Within the half hour Briony would commit her crime. When Briony appears in the fountain and library scene, she misinterprets what she sees. Though she was very young, she genuinely believed in Robbie's guilt even if that belief was based upon a mixture of childish ignorance and indignation. However, Briony was not helped to reexamine her story but felt only encouragement to stick with it, since she was desperate for adult attention and convinced that she knew better than her sister Cecilia, and she could protect her. Thus, she will later be tortured by remorse. It is the night of the attack and early morning that followed that will trouble her more than the legal processes. Her own vile excitement. Briony center stage. She takes the letter from Cecilia's bedroom and give it to the inspector. Also she shows them where she had seen Robbie attacking Cecilia ; that could earn her praise. The inspector tells her just as you see me, You saw him with your own eyes. Briony tells him Yes, I saw him. Yes she was a child. But not every child sends a man to prison with a lie. Briony's atonement starts when she abandons her ambition to go to Girton College, Cambridge , choosing to the humble job of nursing instead. Cecilia says I get the impression she's taken on nursing as an act of penance. Briony's novel has been My fifthy-nine year assignment.&qu...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

How to Make Yogurt With Chemistry

How to Make Yogurt With Chemistry Yogurt is made by fermenting milk. Its high in protein, calcium, and probiotics (good bacteria). Heres how to make yogurt and a look at the chemistry of yogurt. Chemistry Yogurt forms when bacteria ferment the sugar lactose (C12H22O11) into lactic acid (C3H6O3). The lactic acid makes the milk more acidic (lower the pH), causing the proteins in milk to coagulate. The main protein in dairy milk is casein. The acidity gives yogurt its tangy flavor, while the coagulated proteins result in a thickened, creamy texture. There is no simple chemical equation for yogurt production since multiple reactions occur. Several types of bacteria can ferment lactose. Yogurt cultures may contain Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus, other Lactobacillus strains, Streptococcus thermophilus, and bifidobacteria. Recipe You can make yogurt from any type of milk. Although most yogurt is made from bovine milk (e.g., cow, sheep, goat), the fermentation process works on other types of milk, as long as they contain a sugar for the bacteria to ferment and protein that can be coagulated. Yogurt can be made from soy milk, coconut milk, and almond milk. The first time you make yogurt, you need a starter culture as a source of the bacteria. You can use ordinary store-bought yogurt with active culture or you can use freeze-dried yogurt starter. If you use a commercial yogurt starter, follow the packaging directions, since activating the culture varies depending on the product. Once you make your first batch of yogurt, you can use a couple of tablespoons of it to start future batches. While it may seem like you would want to add more active culture to a recipe, adding too much bacteria produces a sour yogurt rather than a pleasantly tangy yogurt. Ingredients   1 quart milk (any kind)1/4 to 1/2 cup non-fat dry milk (optional)2 tablespoons plain yogurt with live cultures (or you can use freeze-dried bacteria instead) Recipe Set the starter yogurt out at room temperature while you prepare the milk. This warms the yogurt so that it wont chill your recipe too much when you add it later.Heat the milk to 185 °F (85 °C). The purpose of this step is to re-pasteurize the yogurt, preventing any unwanted bacteria from growing, and to denature the proteins so that they will be able to coalesce and thicken the yogurt. The easiest way to do this is to use a double boiler or set your container of milk inside a pan of water. Heat the water to near-boiling. Dont worry- the ​​milk cant boil using this technique. If you have to heat the milk directly, stir it constantly and watch the temperature to make sure it doesnt boil or burn. If you do not have a thermometer, the milk will start to froth at 185 °F (85 °C).Once the milk reaches the temperature or starts to froth, remove it from heat and allow the milk to cool 110 °F (43 °C). One way to do this is to place the container of milk in a cold wat er bath. Otherwise, you can leave the milk on the counter and allow it to cool. Either way, stir the milk occasionally so that the temperature is uniform. Dont proceed to the next step until the temperature of the milk is below 120 °F(49 °C), but dont let the milk cool below 90 °F (32 °C). 110 °F (43 °C) is the optimal temperature. At this point, you can add nonfat dry milk. This is an optional step that helps the yogurt thicken more readily, plus it adds nutritional content to the yogurt. Its purely a matter of preference, whether you add the dry milk or not.Stir in the starter yogurt.Put the yogurt into clean, sterile containers. Containers can be sterilized by boiling them. The reason for sterilizing the containers is to prevent unwanted mold or bacteria from growing in your yogurt. Cover each container with plastic wrap or a lid.Keep the yogurt as close to 100 °F (38 °C) as possible and undisturbed, to bacterial growth. Some ovens have a proof setting that you can use. Other ideas include setting the yogurt on a heating mat (being sure to check the temperature) or placing the containers in a warm water bath. Youll have a custard-like yogurt after about 7 hours. It wont resemble store-bought yogurt because that has thickeners and additional ingredients. Your yogurt should have a yellowish or greenish liq uid on top, a creamy custard texture, and may have a cheesy odor. The thin yellowish liquid is whey. You can pour it off or mix it in, whichever you prefer. Its completely edible, though you may add fruit, flavorings, or herbs, according to your taste. If you leave the yogurt at this temperature longer than 7 hours, it will thicken and become tangier. When the yogurt is the thickness and flavor you want, refrigerate it. Homemade yogurt will keep for 1-2 weeks. You can use yogurt from this batch as a starter for the next batch. If you are going to use yogurt as a starter, use unflavored yogurt, within 5-7 days.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Religious Concepts in a Kantian Philosophy Essay

Religious Concepts in a Kantian Philosophy - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that Immanuel Kant was an immensely popular and influential philosopher in 18th century Germany, who produced a wide array of works on metaphysics, ethics, aesthetics, and, most relevantly, religion. Probably the most amazing aspect of Kantian philosophy is the completeness of his theoretical and practical philosophies—a distinction he himself used wonderfully in creating his set of works. The difference between pure and practical reason forms the need for his two most seminal works, Critique of Pure Reason and Critique of Practical Reason, the latter of which is more relevant to his consideration of religion. In that work and others, he fleshes out the difference between a constitutive picture of religious concepts and a regulative picture of religious concepts. Accepting the latter as a legitimate answer to one troubling antimony, Kant derives a critical philosophy which evaluates the notion of â€Å"religious knowledge†. Sc eptical of such a possibility, Kant endeavors to move religion into the realm of the non-cognitive such that claims to know what is beyond experience—the phenomenon—are immediately cast aside. The regulative approach to religious concepts Kant adopts the view that human beings should use the belief in God merely as a system of reward and punishment in morality. God, despite existing outside the realm of natural cause-and-effect, has the power to reward goodness and punish evil, thereby making human beings committed to being moral.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Modern Risk Analysis Based on PRA Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Modern Risk Analysis Based on PRA - Essay Example This risk assessment leads to an output of ranging risks prior to the experiences of the receptors. Proper probabilistic risk assessments require adequate description of the input parameters. For this to happen, it requires that distributional data be available and further be adequate in describing the already identified input parameters. PRA purely employs probability and probability distributions in the characteristic analysis. Probability denotes the chances of occurrence of an uncertain phenomenon. The uncertainty constitutes occurrence of risk. Through PRA, risk assessments can be carried out and the levels of risk therein identified. Use of probability in the assessments of risk can be used in the understanding, quantifying and management of risk. Such a process can further be analysed in relation to the limitations of quantifying risk using probability. Reasons why probability is chosen as opposed to other measures of uncertainty Probability quantifies the description of level s of risk, characterized by the aspect of uncertainty or variability associated with risk estimates. Risk therefore becomes comprehensively characterized by using probability, which would not be the case when point estimate measure of risk is used (UKOOA, 2006, pg. 134). This feature therefore makes probability a better measure of risk than the point estimate method. Quantitative analysis of risk allows for diverse treatment of uncertainty variables used in the determination of underlying risks prior to the probability of occurrence of the identified risks. Risk management requires the use of flexible tools of analysis as well as availability of vast information in regard to what is being accounted for. In this regard, probability becomes the best measure of uncertainty. Uncertainty constitutes risks, and it is the risks that risk managers ought to address. Probability allows for flexibility in the analysis and treatment of variables in the probability equation (U.S. Environmental P rotection Agency, 2005, pg. 78-79). Following this, a large volume of information can be derived, thereby allowing risk managers to make choices among alternatives. Other measures of uncertainty do not provide for flexibility and variant information, making risk managers fixed to the choices they make or to the scope that they can manage risks using such measures as a baseline. Managers need to assess and evaluate high-end risks, and the best gateway to succeeding in that is using probability in measuring levels of risk. Limitations of quantitative approach to risk The quantitative approach to risk is time consuming. It is procedural and treatment and analysis of variables require adequate time. Step by step consideration of variables is necessary in order to ensure that each and every aspect that constitutes risks is identified and accounted for (Stern and Fineberg, 1996, pg. 157). This process is characterized by huge requirement of resources. Adequate resources need to be pulled into place. Finances are required at every step of the quantification process. Gathering data and information is expensive. The management should be aware of these requirements before such an approach to risk is adopted. In order to come to a critical and fundamental understanding of the risks through the quantification approach all required information should first be in place. Data collection, cleaning, editing, analysis and reporting require that enough resources be allocated for the purposes.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Faction of a society Essay Example for Free

Faction of a society Essay A particular faction of a society endures a great deal of pressure of the working population; that is, those who are making a living for themselves and their families. Indeed, wellness in the workplace has become a critical concern for organizations. Paid employment is a major determinant of good physical and mental health for men and women. In the United States and other societies where people are socialized into a strong work ethic, satisfying work enhances health, life satisfaction, and well-being. The impact of work is seen in Sigmund Freud’s answer to the question of what normal people should do well. For Freud, it is â€Å"to love and to work. † In other words, good psychological functioning emphasizes both one’s work and one’s family. The ideal is to create an environment where work and family are not opposed to one another, this is the same premise Nick Whitten’s article â€Å"Workplace Truly Family-friendly† encapsulates (Whitten, 2006). Whitten tackles how mothers in Forest Hall Day Nursery are allowed to bring their children with them to work. Indeed, rather than giving them. Indeed, many social scientists are no longer asking whether it is good or bad that mothers work. Instead, they are finding that a more important issue is whether the mother, regardless of employment, is satisfied in their situation (Burns and Scott, 1994). Certainly, serious concern is frequently voiced about the future of the nation’s children as more and more mothers enter the work force. With the entry of women into the labor force, arrangements for childcare are shifting from care in the home to care outside the home. As such, employers shall indeed consider rethinking flexible working schedule as a major scheduling change in today’s clocks. Society has to begin to consent that mothers, like fathers, are capable of taking over the task of being the breadwinner as well as being a parent. Many people may fear that the working mother represents a loss to children in terms of supervision, love, and cognitive enrichment. But like what Forest Hall Day Nursery practices, why not give this arrangement for childcare that is shifting from care in the home to care outside the home a try? References Burns, Ailsa. and Cath Scott. (1994). Mother-Headed Families and Why They Have Increased. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Whitten, Nick. â€Å"Workplace Truly Family-friendly. † Available online: http://findarticles. com/p/articles/mi_6783/is_2006_August_10/ai_n28366056/? tag=content;col1. Accessed 5 May 2009.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Plagiarism :: Plagiarism Essays

I know plagiarism is something that isn't respected, condoned, or excepted in any part of the education process. Either is it tolerated in any type of assignment. Not only does it steal someone elses work, it robes yourself of the learning experience you can gain on the assignment. Plagiarism by definition is immoral and unethical. Plagiarism is: The submission of material authored by another person but represented as the students own work, whether that material is paraphrased or copied in verbatim or near-verbatim form. The submission of material subjected to editorial revision by another person that results in substantive changes in content or major alteration of writing style and improper acknowledgment of sources in essays, papers, or presentations(Sandra Rhoten). Basically passing someone elses work as your own, and trying to get away with it. I understand first hand how easy it is to plagiarism someone elses work. If something is said or written in a way that would put your work to shame your instincts tell you must make that work your own somehow. I assume plagiarism has been around since first words were written, so I would imagine students who have writing assignments, and find good information would plagiarize to get the best possible. grade. Students must understand you must quote the writer and embellish on the subject. Once your assignment is completed, your instructor would accept the work and note your excellent research skills. You would also be praised by your peers and received the grade you deserve, not what someone else has already earned. The point of documenting sources in academic papers is not just to avoid unpleasant visits to the Dean's office, but to demonstrate that you know what is going on in your field of study. It's also a courtesy to your readers because it helps them consult the material you've found. So mentioning what others have said doesn't lessen the credit you get for your own thinkingin fact, it adds to your credibility(Margaret Proctor-how not to plagiarize). Plagiarism is the lazy students dream, and the hard workers nightmare. I am confident that plagiarism occurs more often than it should because we do not feel confident in our own work, we are constantly being reminded in our society that we must do our best and receive the highest achievements. Plagiarism also occurs because of poor teaching and learning skills, if you do not have complete confidence and knowledge on a particular topic than your only other option is to find the work elsewhere.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Epidemics in Colonial America

John Duffy, a true historian, contributed immensely to the history of medicine by publishing his research in the form of his first book ‘Epidemics in Colonial America. ’ Duffy continued to write other books as well but this particular one stood as a landmark in his career, facilitating all those interested in the field of medicine. In writing this book, Duffy’s primary goal was to clarify epidemic diseases in order of importance and show their direct and indirect effects on colonial development.He showed how the health environment is important for economic outcomes and that there is a direct effect of health conditions on income and an indirect effect on institutions. There is clearly no ‘hidden’ goal or aim of the author and whatever he has intended to show is pretty apparent and understandable. His book is more on the lines of medical history/ economic impact and is more descriptive and explanatory than theoretical.‘Epidemics in Colonial Ameri ca’ provides, in detail, the history of disease epidemics in America and guides the reader through the years of epidemics to show how the outbreak of various diseases effected the development of colonial America. The book explains how epidemic diseases have been affected, and vice verse, have affected the isolation of rural societies, changing economic conditions, varied work conditions and the factors determining poverty and wealth. BodyThe seventeenth century is identified as the period when epidemics were fairly limited in their impact as the interaction between the people of different colonies was minimum and communities were more isolated than they would be in the future. As a result any disease would remain localized to the people of a particular community and not become an epidemic. However, the situation progressively changed by the end of the eighteenth century when there was more commercialized activity/economy. The increased mobility and urbanization led to a great er threat of epidemics spreading from the rural areas.The situation obviously worsened by the end of the nineteenth century as mobility was further improved and there was increased urbanization. The poor urban centers began experiencing high death rates from diseases like cholera, tuberculosis etc that were endemic in cities like New York, Boston, Philadelphia and New Orleans. Yellow Fever, Smallpox, malaria, hookworm infection, beri-beri, Typhoid and Dysentry, and Idiocy are amongst the epidemic diseases in colonial America. The detail of each, along with its effects has been given in the book.The impact of the mosquito borne diseases, Yellow fever and malaria, was greater on the colonists of Jamestown as compared to that in New England. Yellow Fever came from Barbados and spread in Philadelphia and New York, and later on in Boston. Thousands of people fell victim to the disease and several left afflicted areas. As is the case with other epidemics, business activity came to a stand still, unemployment rose along with the death rate. People who chose to stay in the afflicted areas had to take severe precautionary measures, but to little effect.They would shut themselves in their homes and keep the sick isolated from the rest in mosquito nets. The period of the disease is almost one week, by the end of which the person either dies or recovers and becomes immune to it. However, the instances of recovery were little and as history tells us, several hours of work had to be put in just to bury the dead. The Yellow Fever epidemic in 1793 killed around 5,000 people in Philadelphia, which is approximately 10% of its population.Moving on, Small Pox was introduced in America by the European colonists and effected the native Americans the most as they had little immunity to the disease because of having very little or no exposure to it. The entire native American population was swept off by the disease and as Duffy quotes a letter by a South Carolina resident in his book which says that Small Pox swept away a whole neighboring [Indian] nation, all to 5 or 6 which ran away and left their dead unburied. In the book, Duffy also describes it by saying that the epidemic in 1738 killed one half of the Cherokee Indians near Charleston.The effect of such an epidemic was reduced resistance to western expansion in the U. S. In another reported incident, some U. S Army men distributed blankets that had been used by smallpox and measles victims, to Indian tribes that also immediately fell prey to the diseases. The small pox epidemic was this disastrous because of its highly contagious nature and the fact that it spreads through even minimum human contact. It can choke the nostrils and also cause blindness. Prevention efforts were made by colonists who tried using isolation and inoculation, a controversial procedure introduced in Boston in 1721.The patient was injected with a mild form of the disease for a short while to create immunity and antibodies to counter the virus. As a result, a person would get the disease for a shorter while as compared to if they had gotten the disease naturally. A more crude form of this procedure was practiced by the African Americans and was called ‘variolation. ’ The practice consisted of transferring the pus or the scabs from the wounds of the already-affected people and injecting them in the open wounds of unaffected people in order to create immunity.Malaria was also one of the epidemics in the U. S. It became one of the significant diseases of the colonial times as it spread from Maryland to Alabama, Georgia, Missouri and Mexico. The mosquito parasite began spreading faster a s virgin soil was introduced in Carolina and the Blacks were available as victims for the mosquitoes. The parasite then gradually spread to the whites and eventually became an epidemic. The Hookworm infection was another one of the diseases, starting from Florida and Louisiana.The Hookworm parasite spread through the m oist soils from Virginia and just like Malaria, the Native American slaves were its carriers. The Beri-Beri disease, a simple deficiency of vitamin B, on the other hand was curable to a great extent. One of the most widely spread diseases, Tuberculosis, remained a highlight of the nineteenth century as it became very common amongst the people of rural areas and also the poor people of urban areas. Its airborne nature accounted for the high number of people who were affected by the disease and it took several decades for doctors to come up with a counter to this disease.Duffy’s book mentions other diseases and their effects on America as well but the ones mentioned above were the most significant ones. They hold great importance in maki9ng the present what it is today as they left a lot for the human race to learn from in terms of medical advances. Conclusion The outbreaks of epidemics not only affected the western expansion but also halted the functioning of many cities in Am erica. People were unwilling to work at the risk of their health and lives and therefore businesses and industries collapsed as unemployment rose.The economy fell and people preferred staying indoors to protect themselves. Education, industry, economy, agriculture and every other structure fell prey to the epidemics that hit the U. S. Local outbreaks became epidemics of a national nature as the transport systems developed and coastal trade began. The nineteenth century saw water and airborne diseases spreading throughout the U. S as poor sewage systems, dirty drinking water and poor food quality etc added to the spread. Eventually, the life expectancy of an average American greatly fell.On a more positive note, these epidemics had a great lesson to teach as far as the knowledge of medicine is concerned. It helped modern medicine develop into what it is today and facilitated doctors dealing with patients suffering from similar diseases to a great extent. Even though these disease wer e thought as a punishment for the sins that had been committed by the people, its positive aspect should not be ignored. ‘Epidemics in Colonial America’ is a significant addition to the literature of medicine and the efforts of John Duffy should be recognized for the immense help that they are.Duffy has remained successful in his attempts of creating awareness regarding the diseases that have struck colonial America in the past and has effectively shown their effects on the people, their incomes, the environment and the development of the United States. The details in the book help paint a fairly adequate picture of the colonial years and make it easy for one to imagine the magnitude of the diseases that occurred. Therefore, it is safe to say that Duffy succeeded in his efforts and should be remembered for them. Reference Duffy, John. Epidemics in Colonial America. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1953.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Response – Life of Pi

Response The novel, â€Å"Life of Pi† by Yann Martel is about a boy who lives in Pondicherry, India with his family. It is about how he and his family decide to move to Canada with the animals they own and the tragedy on sea. The book explains how Pi survives life and it is narrated by the first character, Pi, who is older now and is looking back on his life and younger years. Pi and his family embarked on the voyage to Canada along with the animals when Pi was around 16 years old. In the midst of the journey, a storm lashed the ship and Pi’s parents, brother and most of the animals did not survive.Pi managed to escape in a life boat and initially did not realize that he had company – and who was it? Well, it was the animals and who were they? Well definitely not those Pi would have dreamt of- an orangutan, a hyena, a zebra and last, but not the least, a tiger- yes a real tiger named Richard Parker. The book tells us about Pi’s battle with survival and the dangers he faced, both with the animals and life at sea. At his age, it was almost impossible, but he survived. The character, Pi has great determination and made the best of the limited resources he had.Every day during his expedition, he was faced with a new challenge. He witnessed the killing of the animals and was helpless. Finally being left alone with the tiger and being gripped with fear- he had 2 choices – to become the tiger’s prey or friend. This was in addition to the challenges at sea, with different weather conditions and with a small supply of food and a survival kit. I admire the bravery of the character Pi towards everything and his positive attitude- He never gave up even though he was forced to live in a boat with a tiger. The principle of â€Å"survival† is applicable.Pi shows us that we must not give up when we do anything, no matter how hard it is. The theme of bravery and courage is very relevant to our world today because, we usually find ourselves not wanting to do things when we find them hard. We are always asking ourselves whether we should just take the easy way out and quit. Pi’s bravery and courage is evident in the story where it is quoted, â€Å"You might think I lost all hope at that point. I did. And as a result I perked up and felt much better. † Also another quote that shows this is, â€Å"I was giving up. I would have given up – if a voice hadn't made itself heard in my heart.The voice said â€Å"I will not die. I refuse it. I will make it through this nightmare. I will beat the odds, as great as they are. I have survived so far, miraculously. Now I will turn miracle into routine. The amazing will be seen every day. I will put in all the hard work necessary. Yes, so long as God is with me, I will not die. Amen. † The things that stands out to me in his quote is that he knew that God was with him and that God would keep him safe. Even when things are hard and you feel that t here is no point in continuing, you should still persevere.Only when you persevere, you will be able to achieve and will be rewarded. This will make you feel satisfied and better than before. You don’t know what life is going to be like, we cannot see the future, but it is our job as humans to take what comes at us and make the best of it. This is determination. The famous saying â€Å"When the going gets tough, the tough get going. † While adrift, Pi and Richard Parker discover an island of carnivorous algae inhabited by a bountiful population of meerkats. Pi’s sees the meerkats pulling out dead fish from the ponds.Pi and Richard Parker were delighted to find that they have found food to eat and a place to live – but no! Pi later discovers a fruit on the tree that he was sleeping on. While peeling the last few leaves around the fruit off, Pi finds that all the fruit make a perfect set of teeth. At night, Pi looks around and sees that the water colour cha nges and becomes acidic somehow and he knows this because he can see that fish are dying under the acidic water and floating to the top. He realizes that during the night the island somehow becomes carnivorous.This is a message to him that the island is inhabitable and he and Richard Parker must get out of the island. So they left the next morning filling their boats with supplies of water, and seaweed and meerkats for Richard Parker. I admired Pi’s ability and patience to make the tiger, Richard Parker his friend. We must learn to be more like Pi in the way we act by being sensitive to the needs of others. When leaving the island he made sure to take food for Parker for the journey and not only for himself. We must be willing to do anything.Pi was willing to train the tiger and he did succeed over time. This is evident in the story as in the beginning when Pi was younger, he wanted to feed the tiger not realising the dangers he was putting himself into. He only realised the danger in encountering a wild animal when his father saved him by pulling him away and bringing a goat and showing him how the tiger snatched the goat even though the tiger was in a cage. Pi wanted to feed the tiger not only because he thought Richard Parker was his friend but because he felt that all animals have souls, which is shown through their eyes.Pi himself acknowledges the tiger as his companion in the book when he says: â€Å"Without Richard Parker, I wouldn’t be alive today to tell you my story. † Pi had a tremendous amount of patience with the tiger. Richard Parker is very cunning and so Pi had to be more careful in the way he acted with the tiger. The patience was shown when Pi was motivated to catch food for the tiger to satisfy the tiger’s hunger. By doing this the tiger would not turn to Pi as his prey. Richard Parker was a blessing for Pi as fishing for food kept Pi busy.Even though Pi was mortified by Richard Parker he developed a soft spot for him. He was willing to do anything to keep him alive. The author makes readers feel the love that Pi had for Richard Parker. In those times in the boat Pi gives the impression that to him Richard Parker is equivalent to a human. This is shown in the story when Pi said â€Å"Dare I say I miss him? I do. I miss him. I still see him in my dreams. They are nightmares mostly, but nightmares tinged with love. I still cannot understand how he could abandon me so unceremoniously, without any sort of goodbye, without looking back even once.That pain is like an axe that chops at my heart. †Ã‚   This quote is telling us that when they reach Mexico, Richard Parker just walks away. Pi feels hurt. He feels as if the tiger doesn’t care about anything that has happened in the last 227 days. This really hurts Pi because he feels betrayed and saddened that Richard Parker left him. He never imagined this to happen. This proves that earlier when his father said, â€Å"you think tiger is your friend, he is an animal, not a playmate! †, he was right because no matter what even if you think the tiger is going to be your friend he/she will not.Even though they are not together anymore the author is giving the impression that no matter, Pi will always love Richard Parker. I admire Pi’s openness. The most important reason I admire Pi is because he prayed to God. He was universal in his thinking of religion as he followed three different religions. He was Hindu by birth but chose to practice and follow Islam and Christianity as well. Even though others like Pi’s parents and religious leaders criticize him for following more than one religion Pi still continued to do so anyway not at all effected by what others had to say.Pi says that he meets Jesus Christ through Father Martin and Islam through Mr Kumar. Through living out these three religions Pi was able make connections between the religions. Conclusion: Therefore, I can apply this to our own socie ty and in the way I act. The following qualities of Pi are worth noting; his determination, bravery, courage, perseverance, patience, sensitivity, willingness to do anything, love and openness. Pi’s determination has taught me to always be confident when making decisions about anything because confidence allows you and others to know that you are sure of what you are doing.Pi’s bravery has taught me to always have a positive attitude. It has taught me when you have bravery you can convince others and that when you are brave you are determined to do what you want. Pi’s courage has taught me that when you are brave and determined you have courage to do something. I can have courage when doing extra-curricular activities. There may be no one that I know of but by doing them anyway this shows that I have courage. Pi’s perseverance has taught me to always continue what I am doing to the end. He has taught me to never leave any task undone.Pi’s patience has taught me to always be calm with others. He has taught me not to get angry when I see something annoying me or to start grumbling. In the future I must learn to be calm with everyone and not only to my friends. Pi’s sensitivity has taught me to always be sensitive and caring to the needs of others and those around me. He has taught me to care for others by helping people carry their things or just by simply brightening a person’s day. Pi’s willingness to do anything had taught me to always be ready to help others no matter what.He has taught me to always be ready to lend a helping hand at anything. I can do this by helping my school out at school working bees. Pi’s love has taught me that I must not boast about how we love people, but simply show love through our everyday actions. I can show love by praying for the needy and others who have asked for prayers or by sitting with people at lunch time that may not have a friend to sit with. Lastly, Piâ₠¬â„¢s openness has taught me to keep my mind and soul open for everyone and everything.He has taught me to start things with an open mind instead of in a bad way which may affect how I may do things. We can learn to be more like Pi we can be more loving, brave and open to those around us. From this story, I have learnt that I can do anything that I persevere. We must all be like Pi in the way we lead our lives. Pi never judged anyone. He always saw the best in everyone and everything. I have also learnt that being patient can get me somewhere in life. Patience is the ability to endure waiting, delay, or provocation without becoming annoyed or upset, or to persevere calmly when faced with difficulties.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Making Electricity essays

Making Electricity essays About eleven years ago I was employed by Georgia Power Company. I thought that it would be just another job. I have come to the realization that a job is just a job, if that is what it is allowed to be. My job is more than just a place of employment, it has turned out to be an educational experience. I have learned a lot of things that the average citizen takes for granted. We all wake up in the morning and turn on lights, start the air conditioner, or just simply use a blow dryer. We never consider what goes into the making of that small amount of electricity that it takes to power all those luxuries. I am one of the people that never really gave it much thought. When I found out how it was made it really amazed me. The making of electricity simply involves turning water into megawatts. The whole electricity process starts with water. The water is pumped into the plant from a near-by water supply. This supply may be from a lake, pond, or river, or maybe from a combination of these. The volume of water must be in great supply, because a power plant uses a large quantity of water. I always wondered why most power plants were built near water. Most of the water that I know of is really polluted; therefore, the water must be chemically cleaned before it can be used. This has to happen so that when it passes through the turbine it does not damage the fragile components that make up the turbine. Chemicals are added to the water while it is held in a storage tank. From the storage tank the water is pumped through tubes inside the boiler. Fire is an essential part of the electricity making process. Coal is Georgias primary fuel for making electricity. Coal burning plants are called fossil fuel plants, because coal is considered a fossil fuel. The term fossil merely means that the coal is derived from dinosaurs. The coal arrives at the plants primarily by train. When the coal i ...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Famous Quotes About Dance

Famous Quotes About Dance Dancing is an expression of your soul. You dont need to know complicated steps to dance. You dont have to sashay across the  room  or spin your partner with finesse. If you enjoy dancing, you will be able to find your feet. Dance to the rhythm of your heart, and you will feel happy, guaranteed. It doesnt matter whether you like jazz or waltz, jive or salsa. What matters is that your (literally) heart loves to dance. Dancing is one of the best forms of cardiovascular exercise. But dancing also helps the release of endorphins, the so-called happiness hormone. As  Dave Barry  said, Nobody cares if you cant dance well. Just get up and dance.   Even if the only time you can dance is when no ones watching (possibly the best time of all), these quotes can inspire you to let yourself feel the freedom of dance whether in your living room or on the dance floor.   Alice Abrams In life as in dance: grace glides on blistered feet. Albert Einstein Dancers are athletes of God. Voltaire Let us read and let us dance, two amusements that will never do any harm to the world. Jerome Robbins Dance is like life, it exists as youre flitting through it, and when its over, its done. Martha Graham Dance is the hidden language of the soul. Maya Angelou Everything in the universe has rhythm. Everything dances. George Carlin Those who dance are considered insane by those who cant hear the music. Friedrich Nietzsche He who would learn to fly one day must first learn to stand and walk and run and climb and dance; one cannot fly into flying. Vince Lombardi The good Lord gave you a body that can stand most anything. Its your mind you have to convince. Ginger Rogers I do everything the man does, only backward and in high heels! Edward Lear And hand in hand, on the edge of the sand, they danced by the light of the moon. Oprah Winfrey Every day brings a chance for you to draw in a breath, kick off your shoes and dance. Merce Cunningham You have to love dancing to stick to it. It gives you nothing back, no manuscripts to store away, no paintings to show on walls and maybe hang in museums, no poems to be printed and sold, nothing but that single fleeting moment when you feel alive. Agnes de Mille To dance is to be out of yourself. Larger, more beautiful, more powerful. This is power, it is glory on Earth, and it is yours for the taking. Martha Graham Nobody cares if you cant dance well. Just get up and dance. Great dancers are great because of their passion.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Criminal Theories Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Criminal Theories - Essay Example The difficulty in committing the crime also counts, as well as whether the rewards are worth the effort and even the best place to commit the crime, within his neighborhood or elsewhere. If the risks perceived are small, the rewards and excitement high, the criminal gains the likelihood of committing the crime again. On the other hand, if the risks outweigh the rewards, the offender foregoes the crime: if they have a good chance of apprehension, the fear of punishment or consequences, damage to their reputation and feelings of guilt or shame (Cole, Smith and DeJong 64). Other evaluations include familiarity with the target and how easy it is to commit the crime. In this theory, the criminal uses opportunistic everyday routines that involve the family such as shopping, work, leisure, and schooling. These, together with factors such as lack of a guardian, the presence of a target and the motivated criminal are the context for criminal opportunities (Siegel 71). The guardian’s presence would deter potential offenders from committing the crime for instance door staff, security guards, police patrols, neighbors, and friends. The target should be accessible and may include an expensive car, goods that can be easily moved or expensive jewelry, while the offender may be an addict, teenage boys or unemployed people. These three elements must be present within a routine activity for crime to take place (Schmalleger 182). For instance, many homes are left unguarded during the day, making them targets of crime. The possibility of a crime being committed by the motivated offender increases when there are an accessible target and the absence of a c apable guardian.

Friday, November 1, 2019

Electronic Industry Code of Conduct (EICC) Corporate Social Research Paper

Electronic Industry Code of Conduct (EICC) Corporate Social Responsibility Effectiveness of Implementation Ability and Sustainability - Research Paper Example Review of the theoretical literature.  Various research works have been done in the area of corporate social responsibility with each paper addressing a vital issue in the various industries. A number of these works have been selected for review in order to further inform the research study problem and the reasons for the study. Sutantoputra (2009) discusses the social disclosure rating system for evaluating the CSR reports of firms, the theories, and models found in stakeholder dialogue in the CSR within the pharmaceutical industry is outlined by Linda and Jenny(2008),and the incorporation of stakeholders approach in CSR in multinational corporations is discussed by Cheng and Jamila (2010). Based on a study by Seitanidi et al (2009) understanding the way CSR partnerships are implemented is vital in practice especially to organizations that implement CSR via partnerships. The case that evaluates and addresses the social environmental responsibility of Hp Company’s supply cha in outlines the risks of CSR. The current status of CSR in the supply management realm forms the basis of the study by Lee and Kim (2009) while the importance of communicating CSR in an organization is discussed by Gregory ET all. FIAS (2007) observes that the EICC Codes of Conduct in regards to the sector of Corporate Social Responsibility operates along parameters like employment conditions of the people pertaining to compensation schemes and other employment policies relating to discrimination and employment of children.